Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] upon a " in BNC.

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1 Sturt 's Letter your Lordship will find some interesting remarks upon a species of Gallinule to which I have given the name of Tribonyx ventralis and which I shall shortly publish in my work … ’
2 The Act thus attempted to control the admissibility of such evidence in the courtroom for reasons not only for its biasing effects upon a jury , but also for subsequent press coverage , which is often based on courtroom interaction .
3 An ageing leaf , suggested by random blobs upon a shape evocative of a leaf .
4 There was no platform , not a building to indicate its whereabouts , nothing but a small board nailed to a decapitated tree trunk with the name inscribed thereon in white letters upon a black background .
5 Some day there might be a time for setting light to both Carrog and Sycarth , and driving their households homeless into the hills ; but not now , that was to fritter away all these preparations upon a minor consideration .
6 Mark equal intervals upon a baseline and number them 0 , 1 , 2 , etc .
7 It all rests upon a possible impressionableness in me , and relies a good deal on mystery or mist. , The allegory in ‘ Shadows of the Hills ’ is crystal-clear , in spite of the involved style : ‘ For Nature took him and held him fast like a jealous lover …
8 Municipal legal restrictions upon a State 's treaty-making powers can not support a claim of treaty invalidity unless the domestic restrictions are manifest and concern an internal law of fundamental importance .
9 16.2 Reading is much more than the decoding of black marks upon a page : it is a quest for meaning and one which requires the reader to be an active participant .
10 In the last hour the mist had cleared a little , so that their fires could be seen glowing as individual points of light : ruby studs upon a sable field .
11 Ladies sunbathe in convival clusters upon a generous wooden float .
12 ‘ You take men from their homes or their chosen occupations , you confine them in insalubrious conditions upon a wholly inadequate diet , you subject them to the tyranny of bosun 's mates , you expose them to unimagined perils ; what is more , you defraud them of their meagre food , pay and allowances — everything but this sacred rum of yours .
13 The nationalisation programme was soon to be regarded as failing to tackle many of the country 's more fundamental economic problems , such as the still heavy reliance of the old industrial areas upon a narrow range of traditional industries — a reliance , if anything , re-emphasised by the needs of war — and the chronic problems of poor management , the commercial application of new technology , and industrial relations .
14 Hippolytus composed a strange book entitled the Refutation arguing the dependence of a row of Gnostic sects upon a row of pagan philosophers , and finally turning his weapons on Callistus , who seemed to him the abomination of desolation sitting where he ought not .
15 For instance , quality and fitness for purpose could well be vitally important in a contract whereby , eg a dry cleaner agrees to use particular solvents upon a customer 's clothes , or the owner of an art gallery agrees to use special chemicals to restore and clean a painting .
16 At first sight this appears as a simple conflict of competing demands upon a given quantity of surplus-value .
17 Among the vanquished was the master chimney-sweeper , whilom incredulous at Stagg 's Gardens , who now lived in a stuccoed house three storeys high , and gave himself out , with golden flourishes upon a varnished board , as contractor for the cleansing of railway chimneys by machinery .
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