Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] found [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The 1985 Report on Social Attitudes found that the most highly valued method of taking personal action against an unjust law being considered was to write to the local MP and , although the importance of contacting the media for this purpose has increased , the 1986 report found ‘ a widespread and growing self confidence on the part of the electorate to try to bring influence to bear on Parliament ’ .
2 Ling and Davies ' ( 1984 ) questionnaire survey of a sample of 132 off-site units found that 16 per cent operated under the auspices of social service departments or voluntary agencies , 56 per cent were said to be part of the special education sector and 27 per cent had some other administrative background .
3 Rubin 's In-house use of materials in public libraries found that if in-house use was measured by counting items left on library tables , the average ratio of items used in the library to items circulated was 0.5 to 1 , while patron interviews on the same theme suggested a ratio of 1 to 1 .
4 The French workers found that the potencies of histaminum and Apis mellifica could prevent the degranulation of allergen-sensitized basophils when they were incubated with the appropriate allergen .
5 While some investigators found that oxygen gave direct symptom relief , others suggested that any benefit was mostly the placebo effect of air on the rhinopharynx .
6 Following up on this information our investigating officers found that a Pakistani who was running a shop and a travel agency in the UK arranged illegal immigration for his countrymen .
7 The organisation 's own scientific consultants found that the damage done by felling trees and producing paper pulp for the disposable nappies was virtually ignored in the Proctor and Gamble studies .
8 Further studies found that short birth intervals were also associated with higher rates of prematurity and hypertensive toxaemia ( e.g. Eastman , 1944 ) and with higher fetal and child mortality ( Yerushalmy , 1956 ) .
9 These interacting democratic and economic pressures created an environment in which both state and social elites found that the successful pursuit of their objectives , and the management of their respective organizations , were entwined .
10 Further suggestions found that Base ATC could have been more alert , and that the ATC controller should have been prompted into immediate and determined action .
11 And one study looking at the experiences of black teenage mothers found that although they had begun using contraceptives as much as white girls , some had been persuaded by their boyfriends to stop using them .
12 In any case a number of these old pupils found that neither the church nor the State made any provision for them , and agreed among themselves to meet together for prayer and worship .
13 Marathon runners finishing after 2 hours 45 minutes found that they could not get into the stadium after a 26 mile 385 yard slog in 90F temperatures .
14 But , in entering the arena , these early Christians found that , ‘ Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers , the authorities , against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms . '
15 Two separate surveys found that many prepacked sandwiches were being stored at dangerously high temperatures , causing the spread of harmful bacteria .
16 A Department of the Environment report on eleven such schemes found that there was often little or no consultation with tenants over the future of their homes and only a small proportion of the purchasers were local authority tenants or people on the council waiting list .
17 Kuehn ( 1974 ) in an analysis of victim reports of 100 crimes found that crimes in which the victim was threatened by a weapon were neither more nor less completely reported than those in which no weapon was used .
18 These authors found that oral administration of aspirin was associated with inhibition of platelet prostaglandin synthesis and suggested that this finding might explain the known effects of aspirin in inhibiting the platelet-release reaction and in prolonging the bleeding time ( Quick , 1966 ) .
19 These authors found that whereas enhanced platelet function ( increased aggregation to ADP ) was detectable as early as three days following induction of diabetes , elevated levels of the Factor VIII components were not seen for 14–28 days .
20 Prime Minister Albert Reynolds on March 11 asked other EC member governments to amend the protocol , while on March 24 in a provisional ruling the European Court of Human Rights found that a ban on the availability of information on abortion to Irish women was in breach of Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights protecting freedom of expression [ see also p. 38928 for Irish ban on newspaper advertisement ] .
21 The three Justices found that the Convention embodied a substantive standard , directed at the purpose of the Convention which was seen as being to ensure timely notice to the defendant .
22 A couple I knew who adopted three children found that only one of the three was at all interested in finding out about his natural parents .
23 In 1986 , according to Friends of the Earth , a survey of the homes clustered on the surrounding hills found that three-quarters of 800 residents were opposed to the Rechem plant .
24 An American firm which used lie detectors on 1400 employees found that 62 per cent admitted petty theft before the tests were administered and a further 14 per cent after .
25 A national survey of teachers ' attitudes to equal opportunities found that men were more likely to be opposed to promoting equal opportunities than women , but that differences in subject taught were more important than the sex of the teacher in determining his or her attitude .
26 On the one hand , ‘ Many observers found that JPL in the early and mid-1960s had that high esprit and cohesiveness that mark extra-performance institutions . ’
27 The latter body intended that the programmes should become self-financing , but the National Education Centres who were the major providers found that employers were not attracted by full-cost funding .
28 In the 1950s many teachers found that exercises in grammatical analysis did not help children to raise their standards in the use of English .
29 Many teachers found that this diet did not enable their pupils to succeed .
30 In the earlier 5-year plans many environmentally destructive problems arose ; the relocated Indonesians found that on arrival , despite a policy of grass planting on a contour basis , soil erosion had already occurred resulting in nutrient depletion .
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