Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] say it " in BNC.

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1 He spent a world record £13m on Gianluigi Lentini last year and some observers say it was to stop others having him , not because Milan needed him .
2 Officially it is for ‘ consultations ’ but the usual reliable sources say it follows a series of death threats by white bigots who were displeased when he said the South African-controlled Koevoet paramilitary forces were ‘ on a turkey shoot ’ against Swapo guerrillas .
3 Some teachers say it is useful to have a pact with someone else , preferably another teacher , which allows you to complain in the most dreadful and unreasonable way to each other , in turn , for a fixed period of time like ten minutes .
4 It 'll cost a hundred and forty thousand pounds to build but some locals say it 's the wrong bridge in the wrong place
5 It is said by some to be more tiring physically than a paid job , by others to be less tiring : some women say it takes a greater emotional toll , others that the drain is less than other work .
6 The pro-nuclear scientists say it was a necessary prototype which spawned the next generation of power stations .
7 The 3 main parties regard Cheltenham as a glistening prize , although the Tories and the Liberal Democrats say it 's a two horse race .
8 Leaked accounts say it finds that army units were far more deeply involved in the repression than were the navy , the air force or the police , whose chiefs have all taken command since the coup of 1973 .
9 ‘ If these notes say it was n't , then it was n't , ’ insisted the other .
10 But anti-nuclear campaigners say it still does n't prove nuclear power is safe .
11 Sutton had taken great care over his written application for the editorship ; even his later detractors say it was brilliant .
12 Legal experts say it is worth protecting cheques until the new laws come in by making the alterations .
13 Many parents say it should be kept away from children .
14 Many China-watchers say it is impossible to be as specific as that .
15 She says a great many doctors say it 's part of ageing like grey hair , your bones become less dense .
16 Black guys say it 's a monetary thing , but I do n't think its strictly money .
17 Oh I think many teachers say that an even more parents say it .
18 Medical work is what medical workers say it is .
19 But the exhausted doctors say it 's not enough … and they want the government to honour its promise …
20 An avalanche 's blocked the track outside Sion and first reports say it wo n't be cleared before daybreak .
21 Interestingly , however , the fact that the British constitution is in part what the constitutional authorities say it is means that an insidious kind of constitutional change is already occurring simply as a result of authoritative attacks on the sovereignty of Parliament as a " dogma " and a " myth " that needs to be challenged .
22 American scholars say it conforms that the idea of Jesus Christ was around almost 2,000 years before he was born on Earth .
23 As for Jack — two words say it all .
24 The ‘ Old Guard ’ , no longer playing a role at Central Office , has muttered darkly about the inexperience of the ‘ Brat Pack ’ : the Young Guns say it 's not their fault , that they have been forced into the background by more experienced campaigners .
25 I think it is the Prince , though malicious tongues say it is Falstaff .
26 The physicality of their food consumption , decidedly hands-on , and their mutually greedy looks say it all .
27 Though most merchants say it is too early to come up with a firm idea of the trade , the initial reports on quality suggest some low nitrogens and good bushel weights , at least for the Puffin that seems to predominate at the moment .
28 Senior sources say it is appropriate for Whitbread to move away from being a family-dominated group , saddled with an arcane share structure , in 1992 , its 250th anniversary .
29 But local councillors say it 's a silly idea .
30 Most critics say it is too early to judge .
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