Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] can see " in BNC.

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1 Some alterations have been made to it , such as substituting a cast-iron beam for the original timber one , but it is basically intact as built , and interested visitors can see it on application to the Coal Board 's local area office .
2 Some observers can see it with the naked eye under ideal conditions , though I certainly can not .
3 But in important issues and debates public relations can see that an alternative point of view is put to the media .
4 Different users can see different views of the model .
5 ‘ I think that the young painters are more intelligent than the others , the old ones can see in me only a disastrous rival ’ , he said to his son in a letter written only a few days before his death .
6 Social interviews can vary from a candidate being taken over to the pub for a drink and a sandwich , so that future colleagues can see whether or not the newcomer will fit in , to full-scale formal affairs .
7 Yet the mathematical calculations that would be necessary to explain the principles of vision are just as complex and difficult , and nobody has ever had any difficulty in believing that little animals can see .
8 Exceptional Navigators can see into the warp from the normal universe ! ’
9 ‘ See this gob , ’ she pointed to her painted mouth , ‘ it can talk a lot and these peepers can see a lot , they 'll remember you , mind , and if there 's anything I can do to hurt you any time then I will . ’
10 Since their eyesight is sensitive to parts of the spectrum that are invisible to us , butterflies ' wings , like flowers , have even more complex patterns than our ultraviolet-blind eyes can see .
11 But He hummed a little tune , cheery as a plague pit , and — pausing only to extract the life from a passing mayfly , and one-ninth of the lives from a cat cowering under the fish stall ( all cats can see into the octarine ) — Death turned on His heel and set off towards the Broken Drum .
12 If we know what animals with cytochrome oxidase blobs in their visual cortices can see that those lacking them can not we can learn something about the functions of the blob system .
13 Make sure students can see your lips , and facial expression .
14 Gary Nicholas 's translation means Welsh speakers can see the play well before an English version is staged in September .
15 While financial institutions can see that such technology saves them cash , companies that find it more difficult to calculate the cost of a breakdown are more reluctant to commit .
16 With such an Army Iran can resist Communist pressures and build the country into a showcase to so that other peoples can see that it is possible to work with the West and get more effective support than countries such as Egypt receive . "
17 It seems people in other countries can see ourselves much better than we are .
18 Golden eagles can see a hare from a distance of 3.2km ( 2 miles ) if the light is good .
19 Just as soon as the young ferrets can see and crawl around the nest is the time to make a start .
20 The department of industry is so impressed its organised a conference so that other businesses can see the process in action .
21 They may also deliberately maintain extra production capacity so that potential entrants can see that any attempt at entry will be matched by a sharp increase in production by existing firms , forcing price reductions which in the short run will be unprofitable for all but which may bankrupt the entrant first .
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