Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] among [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But 11 years of being in the international wilderness takes some overhauling and there are definite signs among their young-bloods that tours like this will soon restore pride .
2 The present building dates from 1086 and the report of its state in 1275 lists among its treasures four tropers ( the Anglo-Saxon service book ) and several part tropers , so it was a rich church .
3 They can , if necessary , establish social contacts among themselves or continue to seek them outside .
4 Because the widespread poverty of older women and the penury experienced by some groups among them derive to a considerable extent from the operation of social and economic policies within patriarchal capitalism , any major change in their status rests on the development of alternative policies .
5 A high turnover of residents is also a significant factor in the two multiple-employer estates and , here too people find their closest social associates among their colleagues at work .
6 Along with the Tiger Club , the Barnstormers , formed by the late Charles Boddington , revived the between-wars touring airshow , and have numbered many celebrated performers among their acts .
7 Mind you there was some , there was some lads among them .
8 There 's little doubt the Commonwealth sees France as the main target of the mission , but as a mainly English speaking organization , its influence on President Mitterand may be limited so the French speakers among them will be pressed into service .
9 Sherwood Forest Country Park , once the haunt of Robin Hood , has numerous waymarked walks among its famous glades and great oaks .
10 He is a rum customer who inspires violently different emotions among his colleagues .
11 Since 1961 ( to be precise , since Selwyn Lloyd 's ‘ pay pause ’ that summer ) British people had given sustaining the economy the priority over foreign affairs among their concerns .
12 As we walked along I was delighted to discover that there were some distinguished names among our number .
13 There are very few British names among them , but Ross Lovegrove is certainly one .
14 Another way in which the church was comprehensive was in the range of cultural levels among its members .
15 Studies of Japanese management practices have highlighted many peculiar features among which is the kanban system of ordering components .
16 In that case there must have been genes controlling variation in caddis houses , for selection can not produce adaptations unless there are hereditary differences among which to select .
17 This may suggest that he travelled , but the presence of texts in foreign languages among his songs is by no means conclusive , for in some cases it can be shown that the words are not original .
18 I am living here with Arab people in peace and I have some friends among them .
19 As for cardinals , after Kilwardby 's death in 1310 there were no more English bishops among them until Langham in 1368 and only four others — three Dominicans in this reign and Adam Easton later — before 1378 , compared with fourteen Italian and one hundred and twelve French cardinals .
20 Medical practitioners were only too well aware of the social differences among their patients , and hence were as much preoccupied with class as they were with gender .
21 After the talks , Hanan Ashrawi , the Palestinian spokeswoman , said there had been discussion of undisclosed new proposals , but the Palestinians could not make any final decisions without further consultations among themselves and with the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Tunis .
22 The professional debate needs to take place on different ground and the professional service , although it may have buildings among its outputs , will have to have deep human and social insights among its inputs .
23 Nor were there many German soldiers among his customers .
24 We now know much more about surviving hunters and gatherers than was known in Morgan 's day and , although sexual unions among them may in some cases be very unstable , in others they are not .
25 To move successfully to a market society the Soviet Union will need to draw on latent entrepreneurial values among its citizens .
26 It is safe to say that thousands of social workers are at the moment carrying such cases among their caseloads and are working on them : in some cases very efficiently , in others perhaps hampered somewhat by lack of understanding of the implications .
27 Massey 's schemata is useful here , especially if we follow her instruction to be concerned with the real relationships among our objects of study rather than formal legal relations .
28 Another group of critics , central bankers among them , point out that borrowing more at shorter rates may undermine the independence of the Federal Reserve .
29 In the years following the Second World War the European colonial powers retained control over a large number of military and naval bases among their colonies .
30 The report did recommend that members be called upon to break off relations with Spain , but there were serious divisions among them about the efficacy of such measures .
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