Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] i believe " in BNC.

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1 Suggestions ! has some ideas I believe .
2 A few extracts I believe will suffice : March 11th , 1335 , he carried out an ordination , the following day , March 12th the first tonsure of seven clerks and on the 15th , another ordination .
3 My actual words I believe were something in the line of telling Helen to mind her own business and to keep her nose out of my affairs , but Beth and Ida could never understand why I reacted so violently .
4 Hmm , well , okay , last night Mickey , you and I just about wrote off Lester Piggott 's career , and er today , well inside the last furlong of er one of his three races I believe today , this is how Rapid Raceline 's course commentator John Penny , saw the closing stages .
5 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
6 ‘ Whatever good will there is , ’ wrote Moore in December , ‘ and among the lower orders I believe there is a good deal , is taken no advantage of . ’
7 If this second approach is right — and despite my own biochemical enthusiasms I believe that it is — then the biochemical events that I study are likely to be very general processes of protein synthesis and membrane modification , sometimes described as ‘ housekeeping ’ .
8 I mean I 've never needed a new licence for the last three and a half years but Nicholas erm prior to this in the countdown to me appearing for my drink drive which is in a matter of about ten weeks I believe in the countdown to that , Nick said on several o two occasions anyway while other members of staff were present , Well this is a way of getting rid of him without having to pay him redundancy money .
9 One of Gary Speeds first outings I believe .
10 In the above circumstances I believe you are being paid correctly .
11 If , in addition , I were accompanied by his fifteen soldiers I believed we should be too strong a party to invite attack , while not so strong as to alarm and provoke the tribes .
12 After two minutes I believe the butcher would have followed her out of the shop had she beckoned him .
13 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
14 It 's gon na be even more difficult another three or four posts I believe are now appointed with Aiden that will create vacancies .
15 So Middleton did two sorties I believe , and on each occasion he brought back an aircraft that was no longer capable of flying and was a write-off , it had so much flak and fighter damage , When the same thing happened a second time I had Middleton in and told him that one of his problems was his navigator who was just not able to navigate him round the very heavy flak areas .
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