Example sentences of "[adj] [that] among the " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that among the more prosperous merchants in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries there was the first beginning of a tendency towards specialization , in types of goods carried and markets exploited ; but growing trade , freer movements of peoples , no doubt enhanced the number of folk who could earn a few pennies peddling or carting .
2 But it is interesting that among the ‘ great issues of today and tomorrow ’ that he himself wrote as an agenda for Labour , prominence is given to one on equality : ‘ whether , as we grow richer , this new wealth is used exclusively for individual selfishness or for the growth of necessary community services , and whether , in consequence , we follow or escape the American precedent of great private affluence surrounding rotting public services ’ .
3 It is likely that among the rural population this loss was more widely distributed than was the gain .
4 Unfortunately it is very likely that among the men and women best qualified by talent , temperament and experience to become MPs many would be put off by the conditions imposed by the STV on the winning and the retention of a seat .
5 Some work was probably done in the quarries on Paros , and it is likely that among the executants were islanders , used to carving marble ; there is next to no marble sculpture from Olympia before this .
6 The respect the government accorded them was correspondingly limited : it was significant that among the great civil reforms of the reign that of urban government should have been left until last , and that when enacted it should have concentrated power in the hands of a very narrow élite .
7 Is it true that among the inquiry 's recommendations are the provision of signalling alterations , the installation of new protective devices and changed signalling practice at that and other junctions , which may cause delays to approaching trains ?
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