Example sentences of "[adj] [is] not necessarily " in BNC.

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1 It might be imagined by those who are not themselves Anglican that the habit of ‘ going to confession ’ is limited only to markedly ‘ High ’ churches , but this is not necessarily the case .
2 Or one might expect an aggressive horse to be mean and uncooperative , but this is not necessarily true either .
3 He went on to say : ‘ This is not necessarily sinister .
4 This is not necessarily so : the US used roughly the same amount of energy each year from 1973 to 1985 , while its gross domestic product grew by more than a third .
5 This is not necessarily through choice .
6 The most probable effect of exposure to light is a change of colour , but this is not necessarily the only or even the most important effect .
7 This is not necessarily a recipe for despair , however .
8 However , this is not necessarily the case in the Sole Pit Basin where there are areas of Zechstein salt swell and piercement which underpin and penetrate the overlying Triassic section .
9 'Given what we now know about food sensitivity , this is not necessarily the best advice .
10 Central units did not commonly tailor courses to library requirements , although this is not necessarily a disadvantage .
11 The problem is most crucial in the case of the provision of financial services such as banking or securities trading ; Community law implementing the single market provides for home country control but from the point of view of the investor in the host member state this is not necessarily the best solution , at least if the home member state 's rules are more relaxed than those of the host member state .
12 The cause most immediately apparent may be presuppositions which are inaccurate or inadequate , but this is not necessarily the root of the problem .
13 The textbooks will tell you that chitons are herbivorous , but this is not necessarily the case .
14 This is not necessarily a central problem , but the Kingman Report does recommend that pupils should understand something of the systematic nature of languages other than English .
15 This is not necessarily true at all .
16 Yet this is not necessarily the case .
17 This is not necessarily so .
18 But this is not necessarily the symptom of something else ’ .
19 It was assumed by some that profitability entailed selling products to new customers , but this is not necessarily so according to Ken Wilkie , the newly appointed chief executive at IBM 's UK Havant plant .
20 My point is not that we might count the relations between parts as themselves parts — though this is not necessarily mistaken — but that the relations into which the parts enter in making up the whole affect their character and value so that they do not necessarily have the same value as they would have had out of that whole .
21 ‘ Role conflict ’ is talked about , but this is not necessarily quite the same thing .
22 Social status , or prestige , may derive from economic power , but this is not necessarily the case ; Weber cites the case of the newly rich businessman who does not possess the education or ‘ culture ’ to command high status .
23 But this is not necessarily a bad thing .
24 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
25 To say this is not necessarily to be an obscurantist hankerer after vitalism , a wistful adherent of a dualist view of " the ghost in the machine " .
26 From a variationist point of view , however , this is not necessarily conclusive , as language is variable at all times ; thus , it could be the case that modern [ h ] -ful and [ h ] -less varieties are each equally derived from varieties in which [ h ] -loss was variable — not categorically absent or categorically present .
27 This is not necessarily a straightforward procedure ; some goals may not be initially apparent .
28 We now know that this is not necessarily the case , at least for left-handers .
29 A time-varying magnetic field creates an electric field as suggested by eqn ( 4.3 ) , but this is not necessarily a local relationship .
30 This is not necessarily the function of the passive in all languages which have a category of voice .
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