Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i ca " in BNC.

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1 You must let me do that or I ca n't think of rejoining you . ’
2 Either that or I ca n't read your writing properly .
3 Another thing-if I ca n't keep my works here , where am I gon na jack up ? ’
4 There 's some that I ca n't tell though
5 Some what I call are comfy ones , some that I ca n't breathe in , you know !
6 ‘ She is not the sort to lie about something like this and I ca n't think of a reason why she would , ’ said Christopher Grenside , 85 .
7 Now , I 've gone right through all the bloody rules to this and I ca n't see where this has been expired .
8 I 'm old , I know I 'm old and I ca n't do all the things that I used to be able to do .
9 Sometimes I get embarrassed if I ca n't do summat on my own .
10 I mean it might be wrong but I ca n't see
11 I would love to go to someone like Scottish Widows and offload some but I ca n't . ’
12 Well those people I 've , who are here , erm I 'm told by Dr and I 'll read this because I ca n't understand it myself political processes , please remember he says that tutorials for part three commence next Monday and Tuesday the twenty first and twenty second but papers for only two of the seven groups are currently in the folders .
13 I want as many concise and informed references as you can find , but nothing so technical that I ca n't understand it . ’
14 ‘ It was because it meant so much that I ca n't remember ! ’ she protested .
15 ‘ You two are cheering me up too much and I ca n't stand the excitement . ’
16 I feel deprived if I ca n't have the same as everyone else ;
17 I open my eyes and try and look at my trousers to see if it 's true , but my eyes are all blurry and I ca n't see proper .
18 ‘ I do n't think any sentence would really be appropriate but I ca n't bear the thought that he is going to be out one day , and that day is going to be sooner than I thought .
19 ‘ Making a final decision wo n't be easy but I ca n't keep on doing this to my body , ’ said Gardner , who suffered multiple fractures to his left leg less than two years ago .
20 ‘ I quite like that one , chief But I ca n't see exactly where it 's leading to . ’
21 There is nothing as joyful for the opinionated as to have finally been proved right and I ca n't help but think there are many marginally employed musicians around Ireland today who weep or harrumph glumly into their pints when they think what might have happened if they 'd listened to Nicky .
22 They were erm a bit reluctant and were going to fight against it cos they thought they were going to look for er places to bury nuclear waste and it was shelved but I ca n't prove them right and I ca n't prove them wrong .
23 said one , talking about one of the dresses and that meant it was really awful and I ca n't think what
24 Karen I I 'm forty-seven and I ca n't work me mother out , so , no chance for you working her out , few years you 've known her .
25 ‘ So I 'm sorry if I ca n't help you .
26 I 've been very poorly and I ca n't get out to the shops .
27 Darrel , Darrel and Tom and that , I mean er who , are er erm if you look at them though they 're , they 're not really that I , I , I ca n't cope with it cos I , I 'm just calmer than that and I ca n't cope with
28 Bob wanted chicken tikka massala and then he said give me the list and wrote down on it two chicken tikka massalas so I look on that and I ca n't see anything two chicken kormas , one and two chicken tikka massalas .
29 ‘ For the past few years I have built my life around rugby and I am happy to go on doing that until I ca n't go any further in the game ’ , he said .
30 ‘ Well , I was hoping to do some digging , ’ said the Prince , ‘ but it 's so hard that I ca n't get the spade in .
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