Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] early [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Scotland 's only new acquisitions during the decade were twenty-one Class 318s , three-car versions of the Class 317 , to service the newly electrified Glasgow-Ayr/Largs routes , although 1989 also witnessed the first withdrawals proper ( apart from accident victims or asbestos units ) of the original Pressed Steel 1959 ‘ Blue Train' Class 303s , whose unrefurbished examples are due for early replacement by 100mph Class 321-type Class 320s .
2 The workforce of 8,000 before the revolution has been cut to 5,800 through early retirement and natural wastage ; even so , hundreds are on short-time , and sackings are inevitable .
3 To be sure of having bulbs in flower at Christmas , it is advisable to buy specially prepared ones which have been temperature-treated for early flowering .
4 This Queen Bee syndrome was very clear with early female psychoanalysts like Deutsch , Anna Freud , Klein , Mack Brunswick and Lampl-de-Groot , whose rivalry was intense ( Roazen 1985 ) .
5 She realized suddenly that the ground on which she stood , barefooted , was stone hard beneath grass barely damp with early dew .
6 If pruning is needed , do this in early spring .
7 It also helps to explain why late Monteverdi is so different from early Monteverdi .
8 As George Kennan has remarked , the heavy emphasis upon American air power was a characteristic error of the period ; the extent of the misjudgment became abundantly clear in early July 1950 .
9 This last , which was published weekly from early February 1834 until the end of May , has become the best-known of Doherty 's publications and is the least personal of all of them .
10 On the other hand , since nearly 80 per cent of the nation were illiterate in early NEP , consisting of a disorganized and fragmented peasantry , it has often been assumed that the actions of this class have been both unreflective and ineffective .
11 I 'm interested in early repeats , solos and free ascents and would particularly like to know if Harry Dover or Gilbert Ellis are still alive .
12 Though Scott was not particularly interested in early editions he nevertheless owned several .
13 Small bowel biopsy and abdominal computed tomography are essential but often unhelpful in early diagnosis .
14 James — ‘ Deaf ’ Burke , or the ‘ Deaf 'Un ’ as he was generally known was born in Westminster , London on 8th December 1809 , and became orphaned in early childhood .
15 The low birthweight may be caused by external factors , such as smoking during pregnancy ; premature babies , which may result from insufficient standards of antenatal care , will be highly prone to early infection .
16 It is now well established that diabetics are prone to early atherosclerosis ( Epstein et al , 1965 Pirart , 1978 ; Kannel & McGee , 1979 ) which appears no different from that in non-diabetics ( Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
17 I admit Victor is evasive at times , but we have known one another since early childhood , we are as close as brother and sister — ’
18 Ruben and Rapin ( 1980 ) , in a thorough review of the literature , show that development of auditory perception is crucially dependent on early stimulation .
19 A snipe 's drumming is one of the nicest of early year sounds .
20 These new thelodonts show an unexpected body shape in which the body is deep and compressed from side to side and the tail is perfectly symmetrical , rather like that of early heterostracans .
21 The cases of Corvan , and to a lesser extent that of early Elvis Presley , are relatively straightforward to analyse .
22 Moreover , in most respects the pattern of growth was not far out of line with that of early industrialization in western industrialized countries .
23 In some ways one might say that they wanted a life more like that of early monks — embracing poverty , chastity , even obedience .
24 It has for long been held that our modern idea of time derives from that of early Christianity , which in turn can be traced back to that of ancient Israel and Judaism .
25 Manager Bruce Menzies anticipates a tough task in team selection , with some players unavailable for early evening kickoffs through work commitments , but is glad to have a playing staff of three teams to be able to choose from .
26 It was warm for early September .
27 However , apart from their own and their parents ' socio-economic characteristics , demographic factors such as early marriage and childbearing experience also have a substantial effect .
28 We confine the term ‘ ageing ’ or ‘ senescence ’ solely to the drop in survival probability and/or fertility later in the life of individuals , to distinguish it from other changes during the life history , such as early development or the onset of reproduction .
29 For example , the analysis of stylistic details of the representation on a coin , such as the treatment of the hair or the eye , and its comparison with the same features in other well-dated art forms such as vase painting or sculpture , should enable a date to be applied to a coin series , particularly in a period of rapid stylistic change in the arts ( such as early Greece ) .
30 Choose a time of day such as early morning , late afternoon , or early evening to walk .
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