Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] ago " in BNC.

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1 Had that bloody ages ago !
2 There are great dangers in the royal family speaking out because I have a memory of the nineteen seventy nine , just prior to the devolution bill in the referendum in Scotland , when the Queen spoke out against devolution , now she in , in effect denied a large number of Scots the opportunity to have some sort of Scottish Parliament based here , and we probably would n't , I think , be debating this subject today , if in fact we 'd got that eleven years ago .
3 But more people today can have a taste of travel and experience its intrinsic glamour than was possible fifty years ago , when only the well-off and aristocrats could afford to spend the time and money going abroad .
4 Mr Moynihan blamed his defeat on the ‘ collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote , which came from Labour some years ago and has to some extent returned there ’ .
5 He only turned professional 12 weeks ago after helping to beat the United States in the Walker Cup this summer .
6 He only turned professional 12 weeks ago after helping to beat the United States in the Walker Cup this summer .
7 Well I 've took that , I took that some years ago but I 've never seen it on show you know ?
8 There 's a very good example of that some years ago er in one of these groups I had erm a student had a severe stutter problem and he said that he had hypnosis and for two years he was fine , he had no stutter and suddenly one day under stress it came back an and ever since erm then he was having some other kind of treatment I think , but er but that 's typical .
9 The reason being that some weeks ago MIPS Technologies Inc kidnapped the ACE application binary interface and substituted MIPS RiscOS for all the other previously official ACE operating systems .
10 Doherty was aghast 12 months ago when he made his first attempt to win the title and lost heavily to the unfancied Fergal O'Brien but this year he was determined to wipe out that memory and win his third title in a matter of months .
11 A brackish upper layer of about 10 m is underlain by about the same depth of more saline water ; beneath from about 20 m lies a permanently stagnant bottom layer of ancient sea water — a memento of the island 's emergence from the sea some 3000 years ago ( Figure 4.3 ) .
12 Armed with sophisticated sensors to detect subtle chemical and microparticle changes that are known to occur annually , the GISP2 team set out to measure annual layers in the Summit ice core one at a time from the surface to the last glacial period some 18,000 years ago .
13 actually but Well when we came in forty odd forty odd years ago it was twenty three and six a week .
14 Some fifty years ago the engineers came up with devices that could record the electrical activity of living brains and living nerve cells .
15 I recently heard , too , of a series of short stories featuring a slave detective of Ancient Rome that were popular some fifty years ago .
16 It is believed to have been carved some eight centuries ago .
17 Tom Peters — the top US management guru — cites the example of the US Harley Davidson motorcycle plant , which came close to being put out of business by Japanese competition some eight years ago .
18 He happened to work for the same paper which stitched Botham up some eight years ago .
19 The first was some eight years ago when he 'd been accused of shoddy workmanship on a car which had been involved in a crash two days after he 'd MOTed it .
20 There is no gainsaying the fact that London-born Eleanor Bowen has come a long way since her last exhibition at the Durham Art Gallery some eight years ago .
21 She lived some 500 years ago in the times of King Henry VIIIth and Queen Elizabeth 1st .
22 Approximately a quarter of those unemployed 12 months ago but in work on the survey date were employed on a temporary basis , compared to just over three per cent of those in employment at both dates .
23 An increasing dryness towards the end of the previous period had allowed forest to spread over most of the peat areas , but this in turn was interrupted in the sub-Boreal period , 5 000 to 2 800 years ago , by a widespread but shallow marine transgression .
24 I saw this some time ago .
25 The Bishop of Woolwich , John Robinson , did this some time ago with ‘ Honest to God ’ and Don Cupitt , I think , is doing it at the moment too with his book ‘ Taking Leave of God ’ .
26 Turning off from the north-south highway some twelve miles north of the Makaa , the track leading to the cabin had been made first by loggers and then improved by a quarrying company some forty years ago .
27 She was called Lucky Lady and had originally been bought by grandfather Alec , some forty years ago .
28 widow whose husband had ‘ broken his heart of the Peruvian mines ’ some forty years ago .
29 There has been no full-scale monograph on Piero in English since Kenneth Clark 's some forty years ago .
30 by Guy Mountfort Vice President , WWF-UK I first met Peter Scott some forty years ago , but it was not until the creation of WWF that we became close colleagues .
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