Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] told [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Our debate on this intended insult by the French was summarily ended : a wand-bearing chamberlain told us to assemble in the great hall below for the rare privilege of an audience with His Most Christian Majesty .
2 Another quick guarded look told her he was still watching her .
3 Brown Owl told us , and the notice says DANGER .
4 The thigh-length silk robe he wore , his bare legs and still wet hair told her he had showered , and that very likely he wore nothing beneath that covering but his skin .
5 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
6 Reliable informants told me that the Kundry , Dunja Vejzovic , who was dreadfully bronchitic the night I attended , had performed impressively earlier in the run .
7 In front of them , about twenty yards away , he had seen a barbed-wire fence some three feet high which an old corporal told him had already cost a thousand lives of those who had done nothing more than erect it .
8 Some fella told me that only a couple of weeks ago , but the greatest rip off of them all , have you heard the greatest rip off about Betty and the , and the roof ?
9 His sweeping yet detailed glance told her he was thoroughly accustomed to the sight of a well-dressed woman , and she knew that in spite of his compliment he would recognise this dress as the countrified imitation of city fashions that it was .
10 one journalist , one famous Scottish journalist told me when I wo , when I , when I had ambitions to be a journalists , oh do n't go into journalism because you 're a women and all you 'll get to write about is fashion !
11 ‘ Far from it ! ’ she said thickly , but her racing pulses told him a different story , and she knew her desire for him was growing stronger with each moment they spent together .
12 He had qualified at university in geology and geography , had tried teaching in Hull but found it too confining and when one of the old guard told him he should be spending more time with children who had some potential rather than those to whom he felt committed , he resigned on the same day .
13 When he was at school another boy told him the Chinese see a rabbit in the moon .
14 Jacob 's jacket had been used to cover Anna 's body from the waist down and this act told its own silent and ominous tale .
15 ‘ I may look it , but my condition remains unchanged , ’ the old lady told him frostily , but her bony fingers clung to his .
16 Cos you ca n't get , an old bloke told me that .
17 ‘ Well , ’ says Charles , the lumpish one now , ‘ that 's what this girl told me . ’
18 My master leaned forward and in curt , clear tones told him exactly what was the matter .
19 A senior detective at Marbella said last night : ‘ This lady told our detectives that she had no idea there was that much concern in London for her daughter and assured them that she would now return home as soon as possible . ’
20 The Penrith trainer , who always answers a question by asking another question told me ‘ Has he not got the class to win it ?
21 My extended senses told me that it was vast .
22 A glance at the assembled guests told him what he already knew — that no one looked quite as good as he did .
23 During my recent visit to Libya with George More , a top Scots lawyer , the British community told us that it does not want sanctions or reprisals against the Libyan regime .
24 And remember , old Eddie told you first … . ’
25 Another teacher told me , after attending in-service courses , that while the approach offers an exciting avenue to explore which pupils find rewarding and even mind- blowing , and many of the exercises are valuable as a means of self-awareness , she felt that pupils were being steered towards abandoning the mind as a means of knowing and just accepting the subjectivity of values which do not have to be justified .
26 The social workers told me I would like the home and that I could stay on at my old school and still have the same friends .
27 While many social workers told us they were relieved it was not they , but the courts , who would be arraigned in the tabloids if they ‘ got it wrong ’ , this simply passed on the same worries to the courts .
28 I remember well what one of these old hags told us .
29 ‘ You will need help , ’ the wise old turtle told her .
30 At a bridge above the fall a friendly sign said " Keep out , private property " , while another sign told me that a bull was loose with cattle in the field I had to cross .
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