Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] upon a " in BNC.

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1 The whole purpose of imposing a section 2 requirement upon a suspected or accused person must be to obtain from him information and evidence which in an appropriate case , and subject only to the subsection ( 8 ) restriction on the use of statements made by him , can be deployed against him .
2 Philomene Magers continues to show artists who have exerted a strong theoretical influence upon a younger generation .
3 This emphasis upon a common style is partly connected with that sense of national identity and community which the war provoked , but it was also intimately related to Eliot 's preoccupation with what he termed " The Social Function of Poetry " in both developing the language , and enriching the sensibility , of the culture .
4 Widow Badly Injured and Robbed ’ ; or ‘ Woman injured by Violent BagSnatcher ’ when she was ‘ thrown to the ground and bruised ’ in what was ‘ a brutal assault upon a helpless woman ’ .
5 From 1650 onwards , in partial imitation of Hobbes , a variety of authors managed in their different ways to transform the biblical thesis that civilization reflects a decline from a pristine state of grace into a cynical doctrine which declares that the observed condition of man in society has been superimposed by social restraints or cultural conditioning upon a pre-human condition of animality in which " man " was a solitary brute devoid of any kind of natural humanity .
6 Sturt 's Letter your Lordship will find some interesting remarks upon a species of Gallinule to which I have given the name of Tribonyx ventralis and which I shall shortly publish in my work … ’
7 The Act thus attempted to control the admissibility of such evidence in the courtroom for reasons not only for its biasing effects upon a jury , but also for subsequent press coverage , which is often based on courtroom interaction .
8 It also covers a threat to inflict such harm upon a person with intent to have sexual intercourse with that person provided that the threat is made with an offensive weapon or instrument .
9 Category B , carrying a maximum penalty of 14 years ’ imprisonment , would cover sexual assaults involving penetration accompanied by the infliction of actual bodily harm on the complainant or a third party ; a threat to inflict such harm with a weapon upon the complainant or a third party ; a threat to inflict such harm upon a child ; and the participation of more than one defendant in the sexual assault .
10 Many churches had four simple gables of equal size one on each face , surmounted by a central dome upon a drum .
11 Moore , who did not place much value upon a society as a whole , might not have agreed , but his general principles allow it as a possibility .
12 Wearing the portrait of a military or political leader upon a ring or on a coin mounted as a jewel was an obvious sign of allegiance ; other portraits of unknown individuals were presumably private commemorations .
13 However , assuming the properties are significant assets , a full investigation of title is to be preferred to either reliance upon a certificate from the vendor 's solicitors that the vendor has a good and marketable title ( since certificates of title are qualified and their benefit depends upon the status of the firm of solicitors providing them ) or reliance upon warranties and indemnities alone since the purchaser would rather have problems disclosed before the purchase than have to rely upon a right to sue under warranties which will be subject to general limitations .
14 In his essay in Salmagundi , Robert Scholes argues that conservatives desire a common curriculum — any common curriculum — because this would have a unifying effect upon a society that suffers from an excess of pluralism , and this unifying effect , an achieved cultural consensus , would in itself be a good thing for the country socially and politically .
15 An ageing leaf , suggested by random blobs upon a shape evocative of a leaf .
16 Yon proposed a 10-point Declaration of Non-aggression and Reconciliation , incorporating the North 's previous insistence upon a non-aggression agreement with the South 's demand for confidence-building measures such as freedom of travel between the two Koreas , the restoration of communications and co-operation in economic and technical spheres .
17 He had been up half the previous night upon a quite different case , and all this night upon this , which had only just become a case , and his , after all .
18 I suspect that the reason why the right has been so little asserted or used is because of the established right of individuals , who are personally libelled by a false attack upon a local authority , to sue for damages and because those in control of local authorities have sensibly left the issues to be resolved in those proceedings .
19 It is especially so when we try to impose our twentieth-century interpretation upon a word which once conveyed a subtly , or dramatically , different meaning in the past .
20 There was no platform , not a building to indicate its whereabouts , nothing but a small board nailed to a decapitated tree trunk with the name inscribed thereon in white letters upon a black background .
21 Some day there might be a time for setting light to both Carrog and Sycarth , and driving their households homeless into the hills ; but not now , that was to fritter away all these preparations upon a minor consideration .
22 Parliament has chosen to discharge this function by placing primary responsibility upon a scrutiny committee formed especially for the purpose .
23 ‘ I decide the present case upon a single ground , namely , that there are no facts set out in the statement of claim which fix the defendants with liability for breach of duty as carriers of passengers .
24 Although the last sentence in that passage could be read as covering any demand for payment in purported reliance upon a statute Martin B. does relate it to a ‘ service rendered ’ and the following interjection by him during argument , at p. 629 , suggests that he was thinking of a demand colore officii in the sense referred to by Isaacs and Windeyer JJ. :
25 Consequently , there is no net force upon a current loop in a homogeneous magnetic flux .
26 Mark equal intervals upon a baseline and number them 0 , 1 , 2 , etc .
27 The fact that you never see a flat hedgehog upon a soft grassy field , bears this out and proves my point somewhat conclusively , I so believe .
28 The technique of solving academic problems is almost the same as the technique of writing a legal opinion upon a practical point .
29 It all rests upon a possible impressionableness in me , and relies a good deal on mystery or mist. , The allegory in ‘ Shadows of the Hills ’ is crystal-clear , in spite of the involved style : ‘ For Nature took him and held him fast like a jealous lover …
30 Adam Smith ( 1723–1790 ) and the Scottish philosophers and economists construct their principles of capitalist economics upon a belief in the rights of individuals to pursue their own wealth and happiness .
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