Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] called on " in BNC.

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1 Two private shareholders called on Sir Derek Alun-Jones , Ferranti 's chairman , to resign at the company 's reconvened annual meeting yesterday .
2 In the letter Islamic Jihad called on Pérez de Cuéllar " to make a personal endeavour , in the framework of a comprehensive solution , to secure the release of all detainees around the world " .
3 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
4 The Serbian government called on June 8 for Bosnian Serbs to stop the fighting .
5 Meanwhile , political leaders in French Polynesia called on France to say what it intended to do to ease the economic and social consequences of the suspension .
6 This voice called on James and all his commanders to appear before Pluto , God of the Underworld , within thirty days . ’
7 The Foreign Office called on Moslems and Hindus ‘ everywhere ’ to show restraint .
8 Some guy called on a couple of occasions .
9 At that very second that we call upon the Lord , just as this dying thief called on him , the Lord will hear us and make his answer instantly the same as he did for this man .
10 A joint statement called on the European and American representatives to meet as often as necessary to work out a balanced and global agreement .
11 ‘ The Inter-Regional Group called on all voters to adopt resolutions at rallies and meetings and to send letters and telegrams and find other ways to support the demand , ’ Tass reported .
12 As an encouragement to them , my fellow officers and members of the parliamentary group called on our Government to help admit Yugoslavia to several international institutions to give greater credibility to the federal Government and greater respectability and authority to the name of Yugoslavia .
13 On Dec. 9 the National Assembly called on the US Congress to lift sanctions which it claimed would " kill millions of Iraqis " .
14 A Tory MP called on the government to ‘ take steps to cease the distribution by the Citizens ’ Advice Bureau in Wimbledon of the pamphlet Sex , published by the Terrence Higgins Trust , in view of its explicit promotion of exclusively homosexual activities . ’
15 In Suffolk , a Tory MP called on Mr Lamont to present a Budget which would allow the party to unite .
16 The key resolution called on representatives to approve the Harare declaration on negotiations with the government of Mr F.W. de Klerk .
17 The latter declaration called on all parties to the Paris accords to renew their commitment to the peace process , and expressed concern over " the refusal of one party " to co-operate with UNTAC .
18 Last night angry shareholders called on the Deanses to go now for the good of the 117-year-old club .
19 Doctor the medical expert called on behalf of the defendant , had discussed the question of future care in a visit he made to the plaintiff 's hou home in July this year .
20 Chinese leaders called on the USA to end sanctions and to withdraw the threat of punitive tariffs under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act , invoked over restrictions on US imports [ see p. 38530 ] .
21 Vincente Minnelli , a director of the old school and greatly renowned and respected for such classics as The Band Wagon and An American in Paris , was looking for a touch of modernism to attract a young audience to a rather old-fashioned film called On a Clear Day You Can See Forever .
22 The President of the Baptist Union called on the United States ' ambassador but unfortunately he was out .
23 In a statement issued on Sept. 22 the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) developing countries called on the international community to recognize the scale of the problems posed by the Gulf crisis .
24 Last year the UN General Assembly called on the junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and transfer power to her National League for Democracy .
25 A one-day general strike called on Nov. 9 by the umbrella General Confederation of Labour ( CGT ) , the first since President Carlos Saúl Menem took office in 1989 , provided a focus for union opposition to the government 's current economic austerity policies .
26 The opposition Sacred Union called on the armed forces to abandon Mobutu and asked foreign governments not to co-operate with Diaka ; it also called for France and Belgium to return their troops to the country .
27 The general secretary called on CBI head Howard Davies to build on his offer to work as the TUC 's ‘ social partner ’ .
28 The annual meeting of the City of Londonderry and Foyle Unionist Party called on the Government to change its mind and site the new university in Derry .
29 The major political event of 1990 was the presidential election called on Sept. 27 , 1990 [ see p. 37724 ] , and finally won by Lech Walesa on Dec. 9 .
30 Fortunately the Governor seized the initiative and the same day called on Nu to take over as prime Minister .
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