Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] would put " in BNC.

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1 The Colonial Secretary announced that parliament would put this into effect .
2 Stoltenberg said at a press conference on Sept. 28 that " a complete ban would put our commitment to the NATO alliance in question " .
3 Lawrence himself revealed today he had originally thought his broken kneecap would put him out of the game for ever .
4 After a further series of internal meetings taking several days , they eventually agreed to pay half the sum , provided another organisation would put up the other half .
5 Not a sign of spring had yet penetrated this secret valley , but another month would put that right .
6 Nonetheless the suggestions outlined in this paper would put new teachers in a strong position to teach language awareness , and make them familiar with important issues in the social dimensions of language in Britain today , both with respect to minority languages and with regard to the linguistic needs of society as a whole .
7 In the case of an over-large meal this would mean that the slim people would put down their knives and forks and leave some food .
8 It would mean that British Gas would put a mileage rate on the transportation of gas so that regions such as Wales will suffer from higher gas prices , which will offset anything that we may do to achieve efficiency .
9 Max Streibl , prime minister of Bavaria , recently pointed out that reinstalling the parliament in the old Reichstag would put it within range of Kreuzberg ( an area of west Berlin with a reputation for left-wing street mobbery ) .
10 Each province would select a candidate for monarch , and then the four would-be monarchs would put their cases before the People of Ireland .
11 Kempton would have liked to have ridden Foinavon in the National himself but displayed loyalty to his owners on two counts — his minimum riding weight of 10 stone 10 pounds would put him 10 pounds overweight ; and he had another horse running at Worcester .
12 That amendment would put the youth service on a proper statutory basis .
13 Every day there would be a reminder of religious dedication , for each morning the monks would process round the village or town in file , carrying their begging bowls into which devout Buddhists would put offerings of food , very respectfully and without expecting any thanks , for supporting the monks was a most meritorious deed .
14 Soft ground would put stamina at a premium over the twelve furlongs , and doubts about Sir Ivor 's getting the trip contributed to Piggott 's tactics .
15 The company ran its own miniature exchange with five or six operators , and one of these girls would put the subscriber through to the theatre , concert hall or church of his choice .
16 It was kind of exciting to realise that another three strides would put her out in front of everybody , almost like looking over a low rail at a mile-long drop .
17 It has been suggested that the club would pay Knighton £1m as compensation , which would then be added to the price-tag Midani would put on the Edwards stake .
18 For example , a new housing estate would be built , the diocese would be informed of the development at the planning stage , and the diocesan office would put in for a school , or an extension for an existing school .
19 Visitors today were divided on whether that price would put other people off .
20 NORMA Major 's elegant pink and black ensemble would put most outfits in the shade — except Virginia Bottomley 's .
21 The second problem is that legal action and the threat of legal action would put the Library Associational in almost constant conflict with one or other authority .
22 It was better , but not a lot , and McLeish who knew her to be in her late fifties decided any casual observer would put her at nearer seventy .
23 An occupationally based class categorization of married women would put many in a different class from their husbands .
24 Frank Chapman , an executive council member of the EEPTU electricians ' union , was hissed and slow-handclapped when he asserted that scaling down nuclear power would put a brake on economic development in third world countries .
25 There was guarded optimism that all Cambodian factions ( the three NGC elements and the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) regime based in Phnom Penh ) would accept the UN framework , as it was widely expected that the five states would put pressure on the respective factions they supported .
26 Brown can not be deputy leader for the straightforward reason that an all-Scottish ticket would put off the English .
27 While those are powerful arguments , more speed , extra refinement and sharper handling would put it right on the pace .
28 But he warned that open entry would put heavy pressure on public services at a time of ‘ enormous potential movements ’ of people worldwide and could delay the admission of genuine refugees .
29 Halley and his successors at the Royal Greenwich Observatory would surely have been fascinated to learn of the unexpected uses to which astronomers of the late 20th century would put their solar observations .
30 His meticulously kept accounts reveal a landed income of about £5,000 per annum and total assets at death worth about £180,000 , a sum which if translated roughly into modern values would put him into the multimillionaire category .
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