Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for choose " in BNC.

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1 select is a menu-driven program for choosing subsets of hybridisation data .
2 Money also came into the equation : ‘ To be honest , another reason for choosing a smaller marathon was that I could make more than by entering a big autumn marathon , like New York or Chicago .
3 Another reason for choosing this pattern is that the strokes with the lace carriage follows a regular pattern .
4 Another reason for choosing Collins was the designer 's penchant for wood epoxy construction , an attractive , strong and relatively easy method of building which allows plenty of scope for the interior to be custom-designed and completed to the owner 's specification .
5 Score 2 points for choosing the correct odd one out , 3 points for anything funnier
6 There are many personal reasons for choosing a rose and for me , scent is one of the most important .
7 Of course no explicit justifications for choosing such criteria of correctness are stated other than the supposedly inherent qualities flowing from a " native " linguistic and literary tradition .
8 It should not be supposed from such criteria for choosing Christianity or retaining paganism that pagans were so simple-minded as to think prosperity and material adversity automatic grounds for conversion or retention of paganism as the case might be .
9 FURTHER intelligence about the amazing Mr Humphrey Berkeley , who left the Conservative Party after bequeathing it an elective system for choosing its leaders , joined Labour , then moved on to the SDP , only to resign from it , too .
10 He said that the Government had not given satisfactory reasons for choosing Scott .
11 Not everyone has a natural knack for choosing colours and patterns .
12 There is very little objective reason for choosing among these approaches at the present time .
13 There are many reasons for choosing an Atco Commodore cylinder mower .
14 There are at least three good reasons for choosing to study a subject at college :
15 Sightlines can be a good reason for choosing a clear open hall where you can build your own platform or stage .
16 Antiques they may be , but one good reason for choosing a record deck so late in the day is that , unlike CD , the technology is tried and tested and not susceptible to the great leap forward , leaving you with an obsolete model .
17 If you were asked which club it was , you just had to have a good reason for choosing it .
18 Certainly the advent of MP-TV provides a strong argument for choosing actors as members of Parliament .
19 Statesmen and politicians in the family offer equally numerous opportunities for choosing quotations from famous world leaders .
20 The arrow icon is for the select tool for choosing the objects you want to work on and the other seven tools in this top group are drawing tools for adding text , polygons , rectangles , lines , ellipses and freehand drawings to a slide .
21 The grinding together of internationally mobile capital and intellectual resources against immobile labour has produced acute dilemmas for choosing policy and reconciling conflicting objectives .
22 Given that people had no rational basis for choosing among candidates , it was scarcely surprising they used one they deemed natural .
23 ‘ There has only ever been one criteria for choosing a Wedding Present single .
24 But I have two reasons for choosing Fanny .
25 This is something that the British harp on that incessantly , using it as the main reason for choosing one restaurant over another , but do we really understand what it means and are we consistent in our assessment of perceived value ?
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