Example sentences of "[verb] best be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Copernican thinking has already led astray many astronomers who should have known better , and we 'd best be careful when they use the same logic to try to convince us that we and our planet are nothing special .
2 But when I have got you an heir , I 'd best be careful , eh ?
3 This is the lesson of the Khrushchev years , and this lesson is simple : if the subservience of Eastern Europe 's Communist rulers is ensured by their dependence on the Soviet Union , then the Soviet Union had best be dependable .
4 And you had best be grateful to me , for if you had left it to the little men of law he could buy better and shiftier than you , and you would never have got your money at all . ’
5 For it has always been said of the eucharist that precisely it is not a play about the last supper — in which case the celebrant had best be male and semitic in appearance .
6 They were willing to tie wages to output by various systems of ‘ piecework ’ , which seem to have spread during our period , and to point out that the workers had best be thankful to have work at all , since there was a large reserve army outside , waiting for their jobs .
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