Example sentences of "[verb] earlier [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 While in Clermont he emerged as the focus for those who were dissatisfied with the status quo — just as Childebert I had earlier appeared as an ally for Arcadius .
2 The surviving accounts of his triumph dwell on the size of the booty , but of greater interest to us is its dispersal : statues were dedicated in Italian and even in Spanish towns , where Mummius had earlier served as praetor ( judicial magistrate ) and provincial governor .
3 What matters is the effect of basic instinct which Eliot had earlier presented as the result of actual murder in a simpler urban context when he described in ‘ Eeldrop and Appleplex ’ the living death experienced by a man who has murdered his mistress .
4 The City is again a place of insect-like life , drab scenes and rats , unless there is present what Eliot had earlier described as an ‘ organic ’ , a sort of tribal , community sense .
5 Instead they would continue to work towards what they had earlier described as ‘ a national consensus on a desirable frame-work for the curriculum ’ in the quest for ‘ improvement in the consistency and quality of school education across the country ’ .
6 Dr Almahawi had earlier worked as a junior doctor , assisting in operations in the South Tyrone Hospital , Dungannon , in periods from 1988 to 1990 .
7 Dr Almahawi had earlier worked as a junior doctor assisting in operations in the South Tyrone Hospital , Dungannon , during periods of employment from 1988 to 1990 .
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