Example sentences of "[verb] talking [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm at the bottom of the page then , George starts talking about Martha , Martha 's father and it gets very funny this bit , very naughty .
2 He then starts talking about Martha 's father , who was not going to die apparently .
3 ‘ So if somebody starts talking about racism when they see our work , that 's very good .
4 If anyone starts talking about sex or looking at the Indian women , someone always says , ‘ Riddled with diseases I 'm sure . ’
5 Having apparently made a good case ( to wit , the UK now spends nearly two per cent less per head on education than in 1980 ) it starts talking about education .
6 Soon as soon as he starts talking about cars yap yap yap yap yap yap he does n't stop .
7 But Svidrigailov ignores the question and starts talking about politics .
8 I do n't enjoy talking about Susan much .
9 She loves talking to people , and keeping in touch with what is going on in their lives .
10 When she stopped talking about art , she began to talk about love .
11 It is time we stopped talking of despair and started living in hope .
12 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
13 Even Nazi Who Escaped justice At Nuremberg , at number 42 , was seen talking to people in a high , jovial voice , that only increased his resemblance to a Gestapo officer .
14 As he was relating his story , he suddenly realised that sitting before him among the directors was the sandy-haired man he had seen talking to Mr Dwerringhouse .
15 You never stop talking about Adai .
16 Stop talking about Eleanor , ’ ordered Julius .
17 And stop talking in circles ! ’
18 Stop talking in riddles and explain what 's going on ! ’
19 Let me go and kindly stop talking in riddles ! ’
20 ‘ Do you remember talking to Jane Pargeter ? ’
21 ‘ I enjoy talking about things other than golf , I love just sitting around and doing nothing , watching TV , going into the kitchen , walking around a while and watching the stock market .
22 Until now all sides in the cattle breeding debate have managed to avoid talking in money terms .
23 So she did n't mind talking about Hubert Molland .
24 ‘ Innocent people , ’ the sergeant says , ‘ do n't mind talking to police officers .
25 The patient may also like talking to friends on the telephone .
26 " Do you not like talking to Egyptians ? " the chief asked .
27 Just as an example , because we do n't like talking about cold , but just to give you a very simplistic example of how it can work .
28 ‘ I do n't like talking about Eve behind her back . ’
29 I do n't like talking about toilets and stuff — it 's dirty .
30 Williams would always like talking about Orton , although he would publicly protest for years that it was so boring to keep going on about his relationship with the writer .
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