Example sentences of "[verb] everyone [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The nature garden has given everyone a lift and will be somewhere that the children can enjoy . ’
2 He had always done that at his pre-production party , given everyone a carnation to wear , but this time he had overreached himself .
3 The camcorder has given everyone the chance to star in their own home movies .
4 Film and Filming magazine said the film had given everyone an insight into the thinking of Corman and Nicholson .
5 If they had the courage to say that , they would have saved everyone a lot of trouble .
6 All the family can enjoy eating the low-fat way and it will do everyone a world of good .
7 He 'll give everyone a tractor ,
8 That 'll give everyone a chance to rest and then we can swim across to those fields . "
9 A referendum on Maastricht would give everyone the opportunity both to understand it and to debate its implications themselves .
10 I understand the problems , but an armed intervention force would give everyone the opportunity to seek a political solution .
11 Some folk in the village said it was a public disgrace that a maid like Martha Pascoe should be bartered for with barrels of fish , but most saw the whole affair as a great joke , because when all was said and done , the lass was unlikely to marry Sam or Harry or anyone else against her will , and if she could use their ardour to win a few more stone of pilchards and thereby swell the village purse and give everyone a bit of harmless fun , then more power to her elbow .
12 Give everyone a ring . ’
13 Every cabin is fitted with private facilities and ample wardrobes , and the onboard activities give everyone the opportunity to take part in as much or as little as they want .
14 If you wish to comment on the paper , I give everyone the opportunity , and believe you me , I 'm being as very , as fair as I can .
15 WE must be prepared to be flexible ; grasp opportunity ; recognise that we all have customers [ internal and external ] ; give everyone the service that we 'd expect every time ; ask for what we need to get the job done quickly and effectively well in advance of the start date .
16 It was a great way to start any round and the bright sunshine and colourfully dressed spectators lining the fairways and ringing the greens combined to give everyone a lift — Jack included .
17 This is merely routine arrogance , but it obscures from them the fact that they could impress everyone a lot more if they could do a better job — and with a bit of help they could .
18 He followed this up by giving everyone a present .
19 Tea and biscuits end the afternoon session giving everyone a chance to rest .
20 It was giving everyone a lot of pleasure .
21 The Training Trust are running a five-year staff training programme in Romanian orphanages , and see this competition as giving everyone an opportunity to develop their artistic talents , and to raise funds for needy youngsters .
22 Giving everyone an opportunity to contribute .
23 It was also good to have our ‘ old ’ general manager with us for the day giving everyone the chance to bring him up to date with their news .
24 One of the real achievements of the revolutionary government has been to reform land-ownership , in theory giving everyone the right to farm .
25 Make the effort to send everyone a Christmas card every year .
26 So she would be doing everyone a favour , including herself !
27 You will be doing everyone a service by making sure that at these times a copy of your prospectus is at hand .
28 Whatever lies Buddie chose to tell about it , she and Frankie would tell everyone the truth : that it came in a big parcel from across the sea in America .
29 One day I will tell everyone the truth about that night , and clear my name .
30 Take this craze for making everyone a shareholder .
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