Example sentences of "[verb] round to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Vicar had come round to tea and was talking to Tommy and his mother about his daughter .
2 Except for the two hours when you went out and drove round to Boundary Drive . ’
3 . The other ideal , which I have n't got round to doing would be to try and appoint somebody on a short term basis .
4 And the reason why they were shoved under the bed was because I had n't got round to sort of you know , doing anything about it sort of thing .
5 ‘ Now when I know the boys are preparing for another game and I 'm not there , I will miss it ; the familiar routine , meeting at the Petersham Hotel in Richmond on a Wednesday night , the late meal , the exchange of views as people come in ; the Thursday morning training , dashing round to golf or wherever in the afternoon , the team meeting in the evening , the Friday session , probably going to the cinema at night , the leg pulling , the nervous jokes on the Saturday of the game itself , the closing in from the outside world . ’
6 Well she 's going round to Mum and Dad 's .
7 I did my homework on PWS before going round to dinner .
8 I 've just sort of , I 've just looked at it and thought , that will be good one day when I ever get round to programming .
9 Saturday they 're coming round to dinner .
10 Cocooned in an ivory tower of antique furniture and unfinished jigsaw puzzles , she spends an inordinate amount of time doing simple things like pouring hot water into a teapot ; then she gets on the telephone to her friends and either hangs up just as they reach the receiver or asks them if they would n't mind coming round to tea and picking up some skate from the fishmonger on the way .
11 Then the breakers were all astern and Terrie was coming round to starboard to motor up the back of the reef .
12 Once you get asked round to dinner , you have to ask back .
13 We went round to Rum Cove , the nearest landing place for Ben Gunn 's cave of treasure , then Gray left us there before rowing back to guard the ship for the night .
14 I went round to Scamp 's lock-up warehouses — he had a couple down in Woolwich in those days — and he was n't there , so I torched ‘ em .
15 Mrs Westaway took Breeze upstairs to wash her hands and face while Roger went round to Sunset Cottage to explain matters to Susan .
16 George did n't bother to explain the process by which he had deflected the first demand — that Maxim go round to Century House by himself — by a counter-offer of Number 10 ( ‘ As it 's a Saturday , we could use the Cabinet Room ; think how that would look in your memoirs ’ ) — or one of his clubs , naming the one that had been effectively the HQ of the Intelligence Service in the heady days of World War II , and finally agreeing on this no-man's-land .
17 Go round to grandma and have a milk shake .
18 And I do feel we 'll stay together and we will get round to marriage , ’ says Sue .
19 I know and like on Thursday yeah I mean we 're gon na be there for about an hour and a half probably yeah , and I wan na go home and I wan na drop my bag off and I wan na change my clothes and that 's gon na be like seven o'clock or eight o'clock like cos I wan na come round to band practice tomorrow and I wo n't get there until bloody eight o'clock and miss half my bloody weekend .
20 They went down in one day , unloaded the two separate loads , got round to number seven Edgeware Road the next day .
21 So she said come round to lunch on Wednesday .
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