Example sentences of "[verb] better [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Explain why you might expect division to perform better than a ‘ perfect ’ randomizing algorithm , and by how much .
2 Is a nominated subcontractor really likely to perform better than the subcontractor 's own subcontractor ?
3 Three out of four independent economic forecasting bodies expected the Scottish economy to perform better than the UK economy both last year and this year .
4 Chief Supt Baker added : ‘ The carnival is too big for Handsworth now and there are more suitable parks , big and accessible enough to cope better than the cramped Victorian streets of Handsworth .
5 A man 's voice will be heard better than a woman 's voice .
6 It has thus fared better than a small party could expect , maintaining a PS almost equal to its PV and even on occasion slightly in excess of it .
7 Chan makes the point that in recent times academics have fared better than the average urban worker .
8 William , who attended the meeting , also agreed that he behaved better when the eyes of the world were upon him .
9 A generous Dalglish said : ‘ Watford played better than the score suggests , but obviously we are pleased to see a few goals go in . ’
10 TV scored better than the national dailies for nearly all the categories of news listed in a survey for the 1974 Press Commission ( Table 6.12 ) .
11 To put it crudely , the experts may ( perhaps ) have done better than the widow in Boise , Idaho , would have done for herself , but still a lot worse than using a pin .
12 He found that in half the cases it would have done better than the buy-out .
13 Nobody , he said , could have done better than the Chancellor .
14 In the 12 periods analysed in the published articles , the portfolio ( theoretical or actual ) has done better than the UK stock market on nine occasions and worse on three occasions .
15 It had done better than the 5.30 Sunday Classic Serial and had proved an effective challenge to ITV 's Saturday afternoon serial , The Buccaneers .
16 So you know what this is a measure of it 's not a measure of anything it does n't mean that one group 's done better than the others it just means that 's the way it 's been measured the work that they 've done has been measured by another group which is n't good or bad it 's just hopefully picking out the important criteria and applying them to the work that we 've done and the notes we 've produced and the way we 've marked other people 's .
17 ‘ The North-East has done better than the rest of the UK under Conservative policies . ’
18 Even if the actual cost turned out to be quite high , it might still appear better than the other paths for which we have high estimates , estimates which may be considerably greater than their actual cost .
19 ‘ You deserved better than a one-night stand , Kate .
20 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that our talented children deserve better than a Labour council , let alone a Labour Government ?
21 It expects it to sell better than the P5 initially and claims Hewlett-Packard Co , Acer Corp , Compaq Computer Systems Corp and DEC will be using it .
22 Prime minister … chairman of British Rail … head of BBC Light Entertainment … well , who could n't do better than the current incumbents ?
23 In restaurants — his tastes were no more sophisticated now than before , but occasionally he would do better than the Corner House — he would still order at the top of his voice , still hoping to be recognized .
24 Although , as we have seen , it is possible to step outside this framework , and find an alternative that seems to fit the life style of the person who has died better than a traditional church funeral , in practice it is extremely difficult to do this .
25 There 's nothing they 'd like better than a drama like this just before the race , and do n't think Dara or her escort will have kept their mouths shut ! ’
26 The multifactorial model tended to fit better when an intergenerational difference was included ( Z estimated at 0.05 , corresponding to a much lower heritability among parents ( ZH ) than among offspring ( H ) ) , but it was not significantly better ( χ 2 =3.28 , p=0.075 ) .
27 A quick transition will work better than a slow one .
28 Few clients can afford to advertise throughout the year and media people have to judge whether a " drip " will work better than a " burst " .
29 Odds ratios or differences in log odds can work better when the proportions are very small or large ; they are , however , more complex to interpret for all except seasoned punters who are used to comparing the likely returns on different bets ( Seaver et al.
30 Broken Promise is a collection of vivid personal accounts by ‘ endangered children ’ — and it conveys the reality and universality of the problems they face better than a hundred or more straight world development textbooks .
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