Example sentences of "[verb] probably [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The success of such authors has probably contributed to the view that the inspiration for postmodernism in Britain has often had to come from foreign models rather than a native tradition of this form of writing , or even much of a disposition towards it .
2 Yet the dramatic expansion of sheltered housing has probably contributed to the view of this age group being especially dependent .
3 Its importance has probably contributed to the maintenance of the fabric of a traditional countryside .
4 Although our patient is only 6 months post-transplantation he has had a remarkably trouble free postoperative course , and immunosuppression with FK506 has probably contributed to this good early result .
5 Most people know of Galton & Simpson , Richard Curtis & Ben Elton and even the Pope has probably heard of John Sullivan .
6 Among the largest and most fully-studied lake systems , Lake Bonney in the Dry Valleys of South Victoria Land has probably existed for over 100 000 years ( Hendy et al . ,
7 Such parties are becoming rare , and the winter population has probably declined during the last decade .
8 The general climate of gradual relaxation of constraints against foreign ownership that prevailed at the end of the decade has probably extended to the Chinese and the smaller Indian local population .
9 For about 15 years Lindsey averaged 20 airshows per season with the ‘ 108 , and the aircraft has probably participated in more airshows than any other UK warbird .
10 The age of those mighty , entrepreneurial artistic directors has probably come to an end .
11 The most striking support for Saddam Hussein has probably come from the Palestinian population of the Israeli-occupied territories .
12 Actually the idea that that 's what happened has probably got round the parents already .
13 An increase has probably occurred in recent years .
14 To make matters worse , the monopolistic character of the sector has been blatantly exploited by trade unions , though over the longer run this has probably resulted in major job losses since most of the industries are subject to competition in the form of alternative goods .
15 While the proportion of mentally ill among homeless people has probably not changed greatly over the past two decades , the absolute number has probably doubled in parallel with the number of homeless people .
16 Although no figures are yet available , this rate has probably flattened in 1990 and 1991 and may well prove to be around eight per cent or less at the current time .
17 The west African goldfields of Mali and Songhay probably produced about one-third of the gold in circulation in late medieval Europe.i Leading merchants of the city-states of the savannah maintained important trading links to the north .
18 This remake of Jackie Mittoo 's Studio One organ classic is typical of current Taxi fare : subtle , gently rocking , and offering more than a nod to rocksteady , right down to the drum fills probably sampled from the original version .
19 He 'd probably asked for the best sherry available , she rightly guessed .
20 He 'd probably dreamed about it over and over again .
21 She 'd probably looked around the flat and compared it with the two shabby and incomplete rooms that she 'd just left , and the first foundations of the barrier would have been laid .
22 His last memory was of a rather half-hearted dawn chorus outside the grey windows , so he 'd probably slept for about two hours .
23 Methods for measuring the amount or intensity of radiation had not been developed , and the doses to which different patients were exposed probably varied from the imperceptible to the lethal .
24 Those Illyrians who did not assimilate probably moved to the less hospitable mountainous areas , but little is known of their fate .
25 Hardwick 's complaint at Hall 's conclave about inviting foreign architects to compete probably derived from the implication that architects from elsewhere would produce a better solution than British ones .
26 ‘ I would have probably gone to Wimbledon with a cast on , against the medical opinion I have had , ’ said Agassi .
27 If the steel plant had not closed down , most of the early-retired would have probably stayed in their jobs until the pension age .
28 As you will have probably read from your QT notes , we need to have accurate information available in the office , ready to publicise classes for the start of the new season , and this year they are being put on the Word Processor so that in future only alterations need be notified .
29 Hume gives photograph after photograph of steepsided valleys in limestone and sandstone country in Egypt , which are obviously of watercut form , many of them containing caves , from which springs probably issued at an earlier period .
30 Dot thought how it had probably felt like this , jolting yet stately .
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