Example sentences of "[verb] available to the " in BNC.

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1 They could now proceed in the knowledge that a small but growing number of nuclear weapons was becoming available to the British armed forces .
2 All comments should be in writing and these letters are made available to the public when the case is decided .
3 But in addition to this , wine would be made available to the local population at an affordable price , and in a condition that allows it to be stored without spoiling .
4 I hope that in future more of this highly professional group 's work will be made available to the public .
5 Well before 1880 , Wesleyan Methodists had a thriving Sunday School and some form of regular public worship in the Strand-on-the-Green area , but due to the generosity of the Duke of Devonshire , a large site in Sutton Court Road was made available to the Methodists , who raised funds and built a substantial Hall in the centre of that site , opened in 1880 and used for Sunday School and public worship ; followed , in 1902 , by the erection of a Manse on the southern flank .
6 By the generosity of the Duke of Devonshire , an area of land on the southern side of Burlington Lane , not far from the Southern Railway Station , was made available to the Chiswick Parochial Charities , and a number of Memorial Homes were erected for housing ex-service men and their families .
7 War got closer than that … for the clubhouse was made available to the Home guard and also to the Civil Defence as a food store .
8 The scale of these stations was dictated not only by the numbers of passengers they had to handle and the imperial power they had to represent , but by the complexity of the Indian railway operation , and the range of facilities that had to be made available to the hierarchic and heterogeneous nature of the passenger traffic .
9 This position was unfrozen when research funds were made available to the Bristol Centre and to specialists of orthodox medicine to compare their respective therapies .
10 As might be expected , only a limited amount of information about the practice of telephone-tapping is made available to the public .
11 Two days after the unbanning of the ANC in February 1990 , the minister in charge of black education , Stoffel van der Merwe , announced that more money would be made available to the black education system .
12 These councils were granted the same economic development powers as the ‘ other districts ’ , but they were additionally invited to submit an annual programme that would normally lead to greater Urban Programme funding than would be made available to the lowest tier of authorities .
13 There are often several layers of interbank transactions before funds deposited in the market are made available to the ultimate user ( see Euro-Dollar Interbank Market Fig. 5.3 p.90 ) .
14 It 's therefore entirely appropriate that some of his earliest ( mono ) recordings should be made available to the widest public through this fascinating boxed set .
15 A question that causes much debate is whether a report of an environmental audit 's finding should be made available to the general public .
16 The 3 expert systems that had been developed were made available to the shop floor , where an 11-month trial was carried out to compare the efficiency of diagnosticians working with and without the expert system aid .
17 It was also agreed that appropriate training and support should be made available to the laity .
18 The full results of the survey , which was carried out by Inform Corporation , are only being made available to the 587 firms which took part .
19 Any existing artwork already and previously commissioned by the Proprietor shall be made available to the Publisher at no further cost .
20 This feedback shall be made available to the Programmer not later than four weeks after receipt of the draft version of the Program .
21 The onshore surveys core programme , which began in 1990/91 , consists primarily of a 15-year mapping programme in which 1:50 000 geological map sheets for the whole of Great Britain will be made available to the public by 2005 .
22 The range of choices which are made available to the child may not be determined by the adult so much as by the nature of the interactions which are jointly established between adult and child .
23 Up to 1,800 troops will be made available to the UN to ride shotgun on food convoys in stricken Bosnia .
24 In addition , the Palacio de Velazquez would be made available to the Prado on a temporary basis .
25 Henry also felt able to authorize a new translation of the Bible and to insist that it be made available to the laity .
26 In this way a student model containing a profile of attainment together with a history of progress to date can be made available to the trainer and to the trainee .
27 It is the most reliable method available for trying to ensure that the principles of community care policy agreed by the health authority — community presence , community participation , competence , respect and choice — are actually made available to the users of a service .
28 The Initiative will propose selected sets of Fibre Channel options called profiles to be made available to the industry as a basis for building products .
29 A simplified leaflet to be made available to the public will concentrate on procedures for making a complaint and the follow-up action which can be taken if the initial response is thought to be unsatisfactory .
30 This information may be made available to the public .
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