Example sentences of "[verb] about three [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It probably covers about three hundred acres , and that serves world demand for , for one , for one car .
2 ( By way of illustration , in the mid-1980s the catalogue of IBM 's mainframe-computer manuals occupied about three hundred pages with about fifty titles per page . )
3 Mr Baber has about three hundred plum trees on his farm .
4 However , once well established as in the three-year-old toddler , Stages and 4 slow wave sleep occupy about three sleeping hours , reducing with age in the same way as REM sleep .
5 This in turn seems to indicate about three surviving ‘ European ’ players .
6 Do you know , do you know about three hundred and sixty degrees goes all the way round ?
7 And those past trends show about three hundred a year .
8 It costs about three hundred pounds to be a pug person , that 's the price of a pedigree puppy .
9 But it costs about three hundred pounds .
10 At this stage we were selling about three thousand tons of polyester film a year and my two closest lieutenants , my planning and marketing colleagues , persuaded me we should double the size of the plant at Dumfries in Scotland and that we should build another plant in Europe .
11 Of course , he was probably just a smoothie , so suave and slick that he could keep about three million women on the line at once .
12 That , that hindquarters would weigh about three hundred pound , yeah , that 's large , you see , yeah .
13 Erm but of course to provide erm electricity on a larger scale , you ca n't put these things too close together , you need about er a thousand of those to , for example , to replace say a power station like Didcot and er and a thousand of these windmills would o occupy about three hundred square miles , and this is what three hundred square miles looks like er it 's , it 's the major part of , of central L you would n't put them in central London of course but erm gives you some idea of the sort of area you 'd have to devote to wind farms if you were to use this particular type of er of energy .
14 they had bought the house , erm in erm North Uphall , a big mansion like , you know , and er , he had the business in the , he built the business in the stables , there was like the stables so he renovated and got it , it out and renovated and made a business er engineering business , er , oh , hatch , like with the house and they only paid er seventy eight thousand when they bought it and then when they 've sold it they 've got about three hundred and eighty thousand for that and he er , hire , hired now the , you know these units
15 Terri reckons about three fifty .
16 Today er on that job they 'd be be getting about three hundred .
17 she comes away at , she 's fiddled on she does n't , she does n't , she takes about three thousand and comes back .
18 water section and then maybe , maybe the other month he used to you get about three thousand rounds of blanks and stuff
19 I I thought like pictures of I 've got about like , got about three hundred and I 've still got five films too develop .
20 Oh erm , I would , I would think about three hundred pounds summat like that am , am I right at three hundred or ?
21 Those two put together , I think we lost about three hundred thousand pounds as a result of the change in distribution .
22 They do sack 'em , because it happened when there was full employment , never mind about three million on the dole .
23 I do about three hundred sit-ups a day and it still refuses to firm up , but what else can I do ?
24 And I think about three technical apprentices .
25 Oh yeah , well after you 've taken tax and insurance back you see , you 've lost about three hundred , three fifty
26 Today I mean they , I mean when you take , years and years ago when there used to be man handling everything same as timber , I mean we had about three hundred dockers then .
27 Over Cook 's side , he only lasted about three more weeks , I mean
28 Very few early umbrellas survive but the Museums have about three dateable to the first half of the 19th century .
29 I mean well if I remember in Harlow er , we we i i in in nineteen seventy eight we had twenty thousand er , social er , council housing and about nine thousand owner occupiers the situation , that ratio 's been reversed where we , where i by the end of the century we practically have about three thousand social social housing and about twenty two thousand er er , owner occupiers !
30 we have about three thousand boxes here at the moment .
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