Example sentences of "[verb] about [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This is the main highway from Istanbul , which lies about 100 miles to the east , to the Greek border , some 100 miles to the west , and although in most parts it has a good tarmac surface it is in the main single carriageway .
2 They did visit Cawdor Castle , which lies about six miles south-south-west of Nairn , reached by the B9090 and linking with the B9191 to the village of Cawdor .
3 However , before that , in two days ’ time , on the Feast of St Leo the Great , you will meet Irvine , My Lord Cardinal 's spy , at Coldstream Priory which lies about thirty miles from here .
4 The small village of Kexby lies about five miles due east of York .
5 The Scottish army marched to relieve Berwick and encountered the English forces drawn up on Halidon Hill , which lies about two miles north-west of the town and commands all approaches to it from the north .
6 Puerto de la Luz y Las Palmas , to give it its correct name , lies about two miles due south and is protected by a massive breakwater .
7 The village of Sancton lies about eight miles west of Beverley on the Market Weighton to Brough road .
8 A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Seoul said the 12 Chinese arrived on Tuesday on Cheju Island , which lies about 60 miles off Korea 's south-west coast .
9 Haddo House and its 180 acres of gardens lies about 20 miles north of Aberdeen .
10 The ancient village of Sutton in Holderness lies about three miles from the city of Kingston upon Hull .
11 Fertiliser is used either in a slow release form , or is added about six weeks after the clover is established , continuing until the nutrient cycle is secure .
12 The Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association , representing about 131,000 teachers , estimates that about 7,500 teachers are not being paid incentive allowances worth £858 a year , while a further 900 are missing out on additional annual payments of £2,568 .
13 its er about four feet long and it stands about two feet high , it 's on legs , it takes quite a lot of room up and we need the space .
14 This church stands about three miles from Ravenna at Classe ( Classis ) which was the port for the city in the days of Imperial Rome .
15 This section covers about 13 miles .
16 The weights are determined from the results of the annual Family Expenditure Survey which covers about 7,000 households selected from all parts of the UK : each member of the household over sixteen years of age is asked to provide information on his or her spending behaviour over a period of a fortnight and also to describe any longer-term expenditures .
17 This covers about 90 charities .
18 The TLS covers about 50 books a week , from most fields except science and technology .
19 It covers about 3630 acres , traversed by the River Holbeck and drained by several small tributaries , mainly Fitlock Brook .
20 I would like to make a few comments , as a mainly urban cyclist who also rides for recreation and covers about 9,000 miles a year .
21 I could see his bright ginger head bobbing about four rows in front , and then his class all went off to the baths , and by the time he was back I was in triple needlework .
22 Bill gave up his job of 20 years as a tea taster and blender , exchanging the daily ‘ trundling up to London in a bowler hat for driving about 1,000 miles each week looking for antiques with Angela ’ .
23 But what I would like to say before we look at those is that the Act was actually based upon a report — the government set up a committee to look into special education several years ago , and this reported about two years ago .
24 He 'd come half past seven to eight to pay us as we came to work , to hand us the money we 'd earnt for the last week , always keeping about three days in hand .
25 High mountains border the north coast , and spaced about eight miles apart are the hamlets of Çokertme , Ören and Akbuk , each in a dramatic setting and each with a restaurant .
26 The original CED typesetting tape occupied about 27 MBytes .
27 The summons was heard as an ordinary Friday summons in the Commercial Court and occupied about 20 minutes .
28 He has about 100 days to begin to crank new reforms into action .
29 China has about eight factories that refine the ore .
30 Time is running out because she is in her forties and has been told she only has about 18 months in which to become pregnant before she will be deemed too old .
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