Example sentences of "[verb] himself at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ONE of this paper 's less chivalrous columnists ( a particularly poisonous character called Gadfly , inhabiting later editions only ) had cause last year to launch himself at Bishop Auckland Tory candidate David Williamson .
2 One day he found himself at Market Harborough but with no idea where he was going .
3 By instinct rather than design he found himself at Saint Winifred 's altar , and kneeled to approach her , his creaky knees settling gingerly on the lowest step of her elevated place .
4 It was not until he had accepted and had received travel instructions that he found himself at Bletchley Park as part of the Enigma team reading German cypher traffic .
5 So it was with no plans for the future that Troy found himself at Greenhill fair , dangerously close to Weatherbury .
6 Angry Jemson suffered the embarrassment of coming on as substitute and then being substituted himself at Carrow Road .
7 He then entered himself at Lincoln 's Inn , and , after being called to the bar in 1789 , began to practise on the northern circuit .
8 It 's Wright 's ambition to establish himself at Newcastle but if the future , in terms of first team football , looks bleak he will have to consider the Forest interest .
9 James , who has still to keep a clean sheet , would be disappointed to be overlooked , but he has the confidence and the talent to establish himself at Anfield .
10 James , who has still to keep a clean sheet , would be disappointed to be overlooked , but he has the confidence and the talent to establish himself at Anfield .
11 Thomas was signed from Spurs last year for £500,000 , but has not been able to establish himself at Upton Park .
12 Marjory , his daughter by his first wife , was persuaded to agree that if the king died without a son the crown should pass to his brother Edward ; but to be on the safe side a marriage was arranged between Marjory and Walter , the hereditary High Steward , who in spite of his youth had distinguished himself at Bannockburn and become one of Bruce 's most trusted lieutenants .
13 But the scholarship was worth only £100 and , though his school plundered its scarce resources to add £20 , it was not enough for the boy to support himself at Cambridge .
14 FRINGE BENEFITS Colin Ward gets away from it all , submerging himself at Dartington
15 Rosengarten 's forte lay in the fine arts , painting and sculpture in particular , to which he committed himself at McGill ahead of Leonard .
16 He has always been very bad about it , which is why he injured himself at Steve Hadley 's yard , and even now John has to dope him before he is clipped .
17 First establishing himself at Sockbridge Hall , Lowther moved to London permanently in 1663 .
18 It seemed like only yesterday that he had presented himself at Manchester 's Ringway Airport for training with the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
19 The swiftly reacting keeper bravely threw himself at McCarthy 's feet after Mitch Cook was brushed aside by the forward , and caused a measure of concern as he hobbled around after lengthy treatment .
20 First a mix-up in the West Ham defence gave him a clear sight of goal , but Ludek Miklosko threw himself at Smillie 's feet to save .
21 Nathan , who had emerged from the room behind , took in the situation at a glance and , with a blood-curdling scream , threw himself at Lennon .
22 Presenting himself at Holborn the next day — without a tie , the panel 's secretary noted disapprovingly — Branson assured the CAA that Virgin would guarantee the airline up to £3.5m .
23 Denis Smith says he enjoyed himself at Stoke especially in the early seventies when they had a good team … as a professional he wants Oxford to win but after the game will revert to being a stoke supporter … he says his young son also supports them
24 For his participation on the European tour these dys , he has based himself at Bagshot , in Surrey .
25 A High Court judge reserved judgment until later this week on a damages claim by the family of Paul Worrell , aged 21 , who hanged himself at Brixton Prison , London , in 1982 .
26 In July 1338 Edward crossed to Brabant and established himself at Antwerp .
27 To a large extent we have to infer the nature of this earliest division from what we can learn of later arrangements ; in particular we are told by Gregory of Tours that in 561 Clovis 's grandsons took over the kingdoms of the previous generation ; thus , Charibert I ( 561 – 7 ) received the portion of Childebert I ( 511 – 58 ) , based on Paris ; Guntram ( 561 – 92 ) that of Chlodomer ( 511 – 24 ) , with its centre at Orléans ; Chilperic I ( 561 – 84 ) was given the kingdom of Soissons , once held by Chlothar I ( 511 – 61 ) ; while Sigibert I ( 561 – 75 ) inherited the realm of Theuderic I ( 511 – 34 ) and his descendants , Theudebert I ( 534 – 47 ) and Theudebald ( 547 – 55 ) , and established himself at Rheims .
28 He 'll not hide himself at Riverstown . ’
29 Malcolm had left Trinidad for the United States in the 1920s and whilst educating himself at Fisk and Howard Universities had developed a temperament of a distinctly militant revolutionary nature .
30 But the doctor was also in the room and the brave little man had thrown himself at Detchard .
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