Example sentences of "[verb] together [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The attempt to talk about ‘ the family in industrial society ’ implies some contrast with the family in ‘ pre-industrial society ’ , thereby apparently lumping together feudal Europe , the major empires and kingdoms of the Middle and Far East and the Americas , and the many forms of tribal , hunting , nomadic and peasant societies that have been found throughout different parts of the globe .
2 For greatest compression , each field must be as small as possible so that , for example , it may be acceptable to use a width of two for an ‘ age ’ variable by lumping together all ages of 99 and over .
3 They may also want to gather together other material to suit their own modifications and preferences , if any ( eg blackboard and copies of their own examples ) .
4 Cecilia tried to gather together some dignity .
5 The next time they are able to gather together enough courage to set out for the supermarket they may get only as far as point B before they have had enough , anticipating more extreme levels of anxiety if they continue .
6 It has a well-defined head with compound eyes and antennae ; a thorax bearing three pairs of legs , the result of fusing together three segments ; and a segmented abdomen which , while it no longer has limbs on each segment , retains little stumps as signs that it once possessed them .
7 The metaphoric networks that bind together thematic sequences are organized by two underlying figures : enclosure and penetration .
8 Mischief or discontent , a hard master or some family tragedy that made home hateful to them had shuffled together these jacks and knaves .
9 The government 's gathered together knowledgable bodies like the trust into the Ruddy duck Working Group to find out if the two species can be kept apart .
10 He was already gathering together various pieces of paper .
11 After he had eaten he lit a small oil lamp to dispel the gathering gloom , and by its light fought off the silence by indulging in some desultory tidying , which consisted of gathering together assorted scrolls of papyrus and articles of clothing scattered about , and dumping them into two chests — one for each .
12 Firstly , that by gathering together common people with common community problems we have an extremely powerful learning tool which enables us to take action upon our problems without the dominating involvement of ‘ experts ’ and professional , academically-orientated researchers with their dispassionate ‘ objective ’ non-involvement , and alien criteria of values .
13 It involves bringing together many sources of information ; relying on narrow , numeric scales to assess certain criteria ( e.g. sales , costs ) can fudge complex interrelationships and lead to poor judgement and bad decisions .
14 Highlander was a linkpin in the whole operation , bringing together many people who had been involved in land issues over a large geographical area , schools , community groups , local politicians , academics , and interested individuals Workshops at Highlander laid the foundations for articulation of the problems and a research methodology for establishing the relative facts and presenting them in a manner which would best suit community requirements .
15 Along with GMPTE it is involved in the Yrans-Pennine rail study , a project bringing together four shire counties and four PTEs .
16 The objectives of CORINE were to be achieved through bringing together existing data holdings in the member states , developing methods for holding , analysing and presenting the data , and encouraging the exchange of data .
17 On Nov. 17 , 1989 , the takeover of Messerschmidt-Bölkow-Blohm ( MBB ) , the country 's largest aerospace company , by Daimler-Benz , the motor industry group , was finalized , bringing together two companies with a joint turnover in 1988 of some DM80,000 million .
18 This theme of creativity — of synthesis through reconciliation of thesis and antithesis , of bringing together two sides of your nature — can also be seen in ‘ Christabel ’ .
19 The working party , which drafted the consultative document , believes that the proposed framework will prevent the potential fragmentation of the Institute 's membership : ‘ The vision of an integrated range of post-qualification , professional development , leading in some cases to voluntary specialised qualifications , could be a powerful unifying force , bringing together all members , whatever their jobs and interests , behind a programme of high quality financially oriented specialist training that is relevant throughout their careers . ’
20 For this purpose the Defence Operational Analysis Establishment was formed , thereby bringing together specialist staff from the three service departments .
21 Area Manager , Paul Stearn saw the opportunity of bringing together contented councillors who had used our services with local authority personnel who held the keys to future business .
22 The first of these approaches has resulted in a programme called the ‘ Management Charter Initiative ’ , which is currently planning a nationwide training initiative with a highly flexible approach — bringing together in-house provision with higher education provision and suggesting a laddered approach to management development throughout the whole careers of those involved .
23 World Environment Day will serve as a symbol of international ecological solidarity by bringing together representative groups who will draft a letter to all the peoples of the world with concrete recommendations for safeguarding the planet .
24 Many doctors and scientists now recognise that acupuncture can be of value for treating pain , and with this have come interesting new applications , bringing together traditional acupuncture and modern conventional medicine , as in electroacupuncture , and the combining of acupuncture analgesia with anaesthetics for major surgery .
25 One of the most controversial religious works of the 1960s , John Robinson 's Honest to God , is a well-written and clear introduction ( from a Christian perspective ) to the problem of defining what God is , and the difficulty of bringing together theological description , popular imagery and the language of worship .
26 At a UK level there are initiatives such as the Department of the Environment 's recently launched Energy Saving Trust to stimulate energy savings and ‘ protect the environment ’ , but even the gentlest cynic must question the efficacy of such private sector bodies which depend upon bringing together regional electricity companies and British Gas .
27 A recent collection , Women and Morality , edited by Eva Kittay and Diana Meyers ( 1986 ) widens the discussion by bringing together different viewpoints on the issues raised by Gilligan .
28 Until 18 March ‘ Drawings 1958–1992 ’ surveys the artist 's extensive output of bringing together 250 works .
29 The Indian Christian Art Association ( ICAA ) is celebrating more than ten year 's work encouraging and bringing together Christian artists from throughout the country .
30 bringing together Christian communicators and representatives from non-government organisations in areas of Asia which are afflicted by ethno-religious conflicts ;
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