Example sentences of "[verb] themselves [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Who made the comment er , about people walking themselves at night ?
2 He never understood the fools who paid to frighten themselves to death .
3 ‘ It may be that many employed people preserve themselves from anxiety and insight into their real selves by contemplating themselves at work ’
4 The rest , some sick of national stereotyping , listed themselves as Yugoslavs , Turks , Jews , Gypsies , Eskimos , Giraffes or Lampshades .
5 American guests are famous for deep ties and they hope they will consider themselves at home as long as they are in this country .
6 You would , I know , be the first to agree that , if the critics base themselves on fact and eschew the attractions of hindsight , such criticism is valuable .
7 Soviet and foreign relief organizations had installed themselves with efficiency and were giving out free food .
8 A good many stars have booked themselves into clinics because of drink or drug addiction .
9 Someone must always have discharged these duties ; but the mention of these officials in eleventh-century households pointed to two developments : firstly , a conscious imitation of Carolingian ways ( for Charlemagne and his heirs had surrounded themselves with seneschals and stewards ) , and secondly , a revived interest in administration .
10 I shall attempt to establish the general outlines of what I term the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy by examining in detail the work of some writers who have explicitly addressed themselves to questions of literacy and its cognitive consequences .
11 No wonder men and women alike roar and wet themselves with fright and delight as the horns scrape past the boldly offered ( and artificially enhanced ) raison d'être .
12 The raiders helped themselves to salami and Christmas cake and fed the guard dog to keep it quiet .
13 They helped themselves to salad and Sara poured the wine .
14 Everyone helped themselves to food .
15 The pair helped themselves to £22,000 mortgage pensions with funds from City investment company Bishop Skinner Financial Services , it was said .
16 This is the moment that the group , believed to be a family , helped themselves to jewellery worth more than £3,000 at the Hatton House Jewellers in Bletchley .
17 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
18 Frogs and birds pamper themselves with plumes of pampas grass
19 They can bury themselves in mud during droughts and live in a cocoon made out of mucus from their skin .
20 Along with marketing to attract more customers , the management changes throughout the sector have required that senior academics transform themselves into planners , seeking to attract money towards their work , rather than relying on the previous expectation that it would fall like manna from the principal 's office .
21 Here is the reality of the European idea' : a Community whose finest administrative minds devote themselves to deciding whether a carrot is a vegetable or a fruit , whose political leaders discuss not so much ambitious as fantastic plans for military integration — and which can not in practice prevent Europeans tearing themselves to pieces and destroying part of what it is not exaggerated to call our European heritage . ’
22 Warfare was the means by which the upper classes provided themselves with exercise and occupation , and justified their existence .
23 No doubt the material culture of the Russians was more highly developed than that of most Siberian peoples , in so far as they built log houses with wooden floors , windows and stoves ; wore clothing made of textiles woven from linen , hemp or wool ; used steam-baths ; were able to shoot game ( and people ) more efficiently with bullets than with arrows ; used vessels made of ceramics or metal ; provided themselves with grain and vegetables where natural conditions permitted , and so on .
24 They often coiled themselves round hills .
25 " It is unlawful for any foreigner to enter the enclosure of the temple which is forbidden to the Jews , except to those of them who are accustomed to enter after purifying themselves in accordance with the law of the country .
26 One problem with the evaluation of these results is the possibility that the women who described themselves as housewives did so because this was an interview about housework .
27 At an adjoining table , Sharon Dudley and David Wilson described themselves as consultant marketists — they sell discount cards on the basis that ‘ it gives people the stuff they want for three-quarters of the normal price and the shops would rather get 75 per cent of something than nothing in recessionary times ’ .
28 Only nine per cent of Moxon-Browne 's survey described themselves as evangelicals , but 74.5 per cent gave ‘ fear of the power of the Roman Catholic Church ’ as their reason for being unionist .
29 There was always an enormous difference between the economic perceptions of those who initially had Conservative and Labour preferences , especially those who described themselves as party ‘ supporters ’ .
30 Although one might suppose that the creation of a new party offers attractive opportunities for people previously excluded from local élites to establish themselves as leaders , it is often the case that such people do not obviously possess the right qualities .
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