Example sentences of "[verb] until i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes they were so drunk they fell asleep where they were and lay without pillows or covers until I returned from work , and then I would rage at them in Arabic , telling them that thanks to them my room was no better than the Italian 's pigsty at home ; we used to spit on the ground whenever we went near it , children and grownups alike , shouting exclamations of disgust , even though all we could see of it was the outer fence .
2 ‘ I thought I 'd wait until I made a go of it before I told you .
3 But I thought I would wait until I heard you arrive , and then I knew I should be all right . ’
4 I should wait until I had got to the prison camp and then escape .
5 They would wait until I had more time .
6 I wanted to light a match , but knew there were only four matches left now , and that I must wait until I reached the Bible-box where I could first make a handful of paper spills to keep the flame going .
7 course I did n't know until I went to put the cream on her , I thought oh what 's that , little bit of tissue , it moved and .
8 ONE of rugby league 's most coveted records is in danger and Dean Marwood — the man with history at his feet — did n't know until I told him .
9 In point of fact the reverse ruled : I was constantly having chits thrust at me giving me a blow-by-blow account of " Charlie 's " state of health , but I was never made aware of the seriousness of Eddie 's wound , and somehow I did not know until I visited him in hospital later that morning .
10 But we used to en I used to enjoy going to it , as I say until I got older and I wanted to sort of stretch my wings a little bit and and I did other things .
11 The driver gunned the motor but that only threw off sprays of fine snow , and the motor howled until I thought it would burst .
12 She listened without interrupting until I had said all I wanted to say .
13 For instance , Skipper was not impressed with my suggesting that he should stand still while I got on and wait until I asked before moving off .
14 Should I give up the unequal struggle and wait until I reached the age of 16 ?
15 I had this idea I had to be civilised , and wait until I 'd obtained spoken as well as physical consent from you — and then spent days regretting it !
16 I said I 'd pick them up in an hour and then drove until I found a pub with a Bar Food sign and a quiet corner .
17 As soon as he got out and about he was going round the house looking for you and then he just stood at the bottom of the stairs and banged until I took him upstairs and he could have a look round up there and then he realized you were n't there
18 The legs started trembling and cramping à la Victor Meldrew and did not improve until I had sunk about six gallons of tonic water , minus gin I hasten to add .
19 The Japanese patenting of the Technics Class AA circuit was quite unknown to me , not having associated their advertisements for Class AA with anything I may have done until I read John Linsley Hood 's article in this journal for December 1989 .
20 ‘ It did n't really sink in what I had done until I returned to school on the Monday morning and saw all the television cameras waiting for me at the gates , ’ says Dozzell .
21 ‘ I said from day one that I would stay until I detected a change in attitude from the people in Ireland .
22 And I would be always be with John in the stable and I got until I got into er some danger walking er underneath a horses legs and he 'd he 'd send me out banned me from the stable and shut the door .
23 I continued knitting until I had about twenty centimetres , eight inches , and removed the stitches from the machine .
24 ‘ Sweetie , you know I said if there was anything heavy that needed doing you were to wait until I got in and I 'd do it .
25 A little awkwardly she explained , ‘ I was going to wait until I got home to tell Paul that our engagement was a mistake .
26 I gazed until I asked myself if I was quite mad .
27 I sorted through my frocks but could find none that fitted me ; I 'd outgrown them all and was waiting until I 'd grown into Liza 's castoffs .
28 and he 'd , he 'd work until I cooked .
29 Memory : the kids in school whispering until I came poling up .
30 If I 'd known how important it was about the house — I did n't understand until I got your note .
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