Example sentences of "[verb] already [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Major has already discovered that repossessions and defaults cost the government money as well as damaging consumer confidence and financial institutions .
2 He got a hundred against Cambridge but has already discovered that sequels come hard .
3 The research team has already discovered that the cows emit more methane in the evening , when they are resting and ruminating .
4 But while he hesitates over Barnes , he has already confirmed that 25-goal Wright will start and bid to score for the first time in eight caps .
5 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
6 Discussions are at an advanced stage with a number of nationally-known retailers , and one retail DIY outlet has already confirmed that it will be renting a unit .
7 Whatever the future holds for him , Mr Pozsgay has already ensured that his name will for ever be written in Hungarian history books .
8 For Section 2 has already argued that in trusts judgment and execution could be given in ipsam rem .
9 No , Ros has already argued that in most cases access is covered by a standard procedure survey .
10 The England hooker , who has already said that he would have accepted only the usual expenses had he undertaken this summer 's tour of the Republic marking the South African Rugby Board 's centenary , has now been quoted as saying that ‘ remuneration was mentioned . ’
11 The two-year moratorium is not binding , and Britain , which is responsible for 90 per cent of all radioactive waste dumped at sea , has already said that it will not comply with the ban .
12 Intel has already said that the P5 includes two RISC-like pipelined integer execution units and an advanced floating point unit , plus an 80386 execution unit .
13 The academy has already said that it will consider the proposition only if the government provides continuing support to operate and maintain the facility , which the report estimates would require DF17 million ( US$4 million ) a year .
14 Scotland Yard has already said that some videos containing explicit sex scenes would be classed as illegal pornography if they were n't being marketed as ‘ educational . ’
15 My hon. Friend the Member for Southwark and Bermondsey ( Mr. Hughes ) has already said that people in central London on relatively low incomes may live in high-value houses .
16 My hon. Friend the Member for Normanton ( Mr. O'Brien ) has already said that the information is there .
17 They say that if they create Regional Government they will do so at the expense of National Government and not Local Government , but that is n't true because Mister has already said that erm strategic services such as passenger transport will b will be handed over to regions and if that goes obviously fire , police and strategic planning will be lost to us .
18 has already said that the Tories do n't seem to have any provision for capital and I 'm dying to know why they have as much to say about the additional buildings as anyone else er I 'd be interested to know what they say .
19 The factory 's acting union convener , Pat Burns , has already said that : ‘ It would be very difficult for anybody [ in the Netherlands ] to switch to a new supplier short-term .
20 Monsieur Mitterand has already said that he 's going to seek to drive a harder bargain with Britain over fishing limits even than President Giscard was trying to do , and I think our negotiators must expect a rather tough time as far as fisheries are concerned .
21 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
22 Caradon also refused to comment , but has already announced that it was involved in talks which could lead to a bid .
23 Chrysler has already announced that it is teaming up with Renault of France to build a $400m to $500m plant in Europe to produce the JJ - a four-wheel drive Jeep-type vehicle .
24 With counting incomplete , triumphant water minister Michael Howard has already announced that up to 1.4 million people have applied for water shares — and the figure could well top 2 million .
25 Mr Bryan Gould , the party 's environment spokesman , has already announced that he is standing for both the leadership and deputy leadership .
26 The Shah has already announced that he will leave the country for a holiday and for medical treatment .
27 As the hon. Gentleman made clear , the Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , my hon. Friend , the Member for Wiltshire , North ( Mr. Needham ) , has already announced that any formal proposal from Du Pont would be put before a public inquiry .
28 The DUP has already announced that it will boycott the four-man group when it arrives it Belfast .
29 The careful exegete , however , will also be troubled by the fact that the Bible hardly majors on this issue , that we do not know the context of Paul 's two references to the subject , and that a strong anti-homosexual line is only possible if one has already assumed that such statements are immediately transferable into our situation straight from the biblical period .
30 But the Inland Revenue has already warned that it will investigate any changes of status to ensure that they are genuine .
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