Example sentences of "[verb] already [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this way cross-reference can be made to work already done at Key Stage 1 .
2 However , Goldmann suggests objectivity is only available to the individual ; by effecting a synthesis of elements of truth from the perspectives of different classes and by preserving elements of understanding already expressed by other thinkers but abandoned under the influence of social , economic or political changes , the individual may be able to ‘ arrive in the realm of scientific thought ’ ( Goldmann 1969 : 58 ) .
3 But the pot of gold simply does not exist as he has already discovered in trying to pay for Labour 's initial promises .
4 The sperm has already developed to maturity , with only 23 chromosomes ( one sex chromosome ) before its release .
5 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ internal market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
6 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ Internal Market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
7 On the negatives there was the er resumption of a S S A P twenty four charge for U K pensions , a little less than we expected , we had a strong revaluation in mid-year , the incremental redundancy costs that Frank has already touched upon and er the er dis er the discontinued profits not in ninety two .
8 One government has already fallen over green issues .
9 John Wriglesworth , the housing analyst at UBS , a Swiss bank , estimates that the stock of unsold homes has already fallen by a third over the past year .
10 A charge will obviously deter a second financier from providing the company with funds where its charge would rank after a charge that the company has already created over its assets .
11 ‘ The Impressionist and the City : Pissarro 's Series ’ opened at the Dallas Museum of Art last month ( until 31 January 1993 ) and will be shown at the Philadelphia Museum of Art ( 7 March-6 June 1993 ) and at London 's Royal Academy of Arts ( 2 July-10 October 1993 ) , which has already contributed to this debate with its recent exhibitions of ‘ Monet in the Nineties ’ ( 1990 ) and ‘ Alfred Sisley ’ ( 1992 ) in which the later works were strongly featured .
12 The Act made provision for such an office , which has now been established and has already contributed to increased efficiency in the division .
13 This has already contributed to a fall in households ' income gearing , which stood at 11.4 per cent in the second quarter compared with a peak of 12.9 per cent in the second quarter of last year .
14 The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising has already called on the ITC to monitor spots given to self-promotion on Thames ( MW last week ) , but the rest of the ITV broadcasters are likely to protest loudest if this becomes a reality .
15 The Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin has already called on the government to indemnify several exhibitions this year , including the ‘ Entartete Kunst ’ show that originated in Los Angeles .
16 And he has already called on Chancellor Norman Lamont to make a Commons statement ‘ as a matter of the utmost urgency ’ setting out the Government 's intentions .
17 Campaign chairman Lord Elis-Thomas has already called on Mr Redwood to postpone the plans by his predecessor , David Hunt , to amalgamate Meirionnydd with both Arfon and Dwyfor .
18 The US has already called for a ‘ war crimes ’ investigation into reports of atrocities .
19 The company says that the programme has already roped in SmartStar Corp , which does proprietary language applications on Digital Equipment Corp hardware ; — Inmark Development Corp , which specialises in applications for the banking and brokerage community and tools for the C++ development market ; Tivoli Systems Inc with its software for managing distributed computer systems ; and The Digist Software Co division of the Turing Institute in Scotland , which provides shrink-wrapped spatial-data-processing applications for the AM/FM and geographic information systems markets .
20 The terrorism that the West dreads has already struck in Asia .
21 And it does seem to me that erm the minute you suggest to a Parish Council who has already complained about illegal encampments on roadsides and laybys that there is a good site in their patch , there is an immediate reaction , and I am thoroughly convinced that this reaction is based on a fear that is actually based on ignorance , and that we have to remember that travellers of any description — and I do n't categorise them like Peter does — travellers of any description are human beings .
22 Industry has already complained to the Department of the Environment that controls will not be effective unless the inspectorate is respected and cowboy companies are aware that they will be prosecuted .
23 Ralph Davies has already complained to his Euro MP about French tactics .
24 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
25 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
26 Graham has already complained in his programme notes about the lack of support at Highbury — yesterday the fans hit back .
27 Michael Burr ( West of Scotland Agricultural College ) in his Report ( September 1982 ) on Tourism and Farming in the French Alps has already written about this subject in detail .
28 Paul has already written about the glory of God in his letter to the Ephesian church .
29 She has already written to the Superior General of the Dublin-based order , and to Cardinal Cathal Daly , the Primate of Ireland .
30 The Chief Executive has already written to the Principals/Directors of colleges inviting nominations for seconded National Development Officers and a further letter relating to this will be sent out in the near future .
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