Example sentences of "[verb] always thought [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd always thought I 'd like to work in an old people 's home .
2 I 'd always thought it would be embarrassing to have a man undress you , especially the suspenders which are so ugly and comic , but I helped , and except for the girdle which must be the most resistant , unromantic garment since the chastity belt , it was all easy and delightful .
3 I 've always thought we had it stronger on us than you other lot , forgive me if I 'm wrong . ’
4 We do n't have passports in this country , although as a long-standing Yorkshireman , I 've always thought we should have them with Lancashire , but that 's another issue .
5 ‘ I 've always thought she was interested , ’ said Marina quietly , ‘ ever since your birthday .
6 ‘ I 've always thought I did quite well at being inconspicuous myself , ’ said Edward .
7 For the last 14 years , I 've worked in shops and offices , but I 've always thought I 'd like to do community work , which would suit my personality a lot more .
8 I 've always thought you are what you are and you should n't pretend to be anyone else .
9 ‘ I 've always thought you were so pretty , and that it was such a shame to hide that behind those thick glasses , and that studious pallor .
10 And I 've always thought it [ the Report ] did for foreign and defence policy-making and intelligence … what the Crossman and Castle diaries did for economic and domestic policy-making .
11 ‘ Perhaps because I 've always thought it might be nice to have a honeymoon in Venice . ’
12 And the thing is that when of the , I have n't seen anywhere any kind of poll system , you know , I think it 's a , I 've always thought it outrageous as a women actually , that women have had to pay for toilets , and erm , I mean if we , you know , if we , we might , I mean , I , I would be in favour of a system where , you know , you , say a local Council issues a pass , which you pay for , have differential rates , but it 's like people paying up front for that toilet service .
13 I 've always thought it would be fun — We never celebrated Christmas at home . "
14 ‘ I 've always thought it unlikely , but I 've just heard from George this morning that it is impossible .
15 ‘ You know , I 've always thought it was your sense of humour that attracted Walter to you , Hilda . ’
16 ‘ I 've always thought it might be worth trying , ’ said Dorcas , ‘ but is this the right time ? ’
17 ‘ I 'VE always thought he looked like a pig in a safari suit . ’
18 I 've always thought he was good-looking , but that blonde hair and those blue eyes look even better on a girl ! ’
19 ‘ I 've always thought there was something a bit sad about grown men waving guns about like that .
20 ‘ I 've always thought our most important job is to comfort the bereaved . ’
21 I had always thought him to be egotistical and attention-seeking ; but apart from mentioning his invitation to the Dukakis Inaugural , he answered modestly , even humbly : praising his friend 's work and disparaging his own .
22 Tammuz' jaded beliefs were not that novel : Quincx had heard them spill from many a Tech-Green 's lips ; but then Ewan had always thought himself unique .
23 Grudgingly , Brian was forced to say that he had always thought it odd , but if reticence about her past was the way his wife wanted it , then he had been prepared to accept the situation .
24 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
25 She had always thought he was joking .
26 He had always thought he had no illusions about the artificiality of people 's reactions to him , but some must have taken root unaware .
27 She had always thought she was not the type to ring the Samaritans .
28 Personally , I have always thought it a great mistake to expect young people to be interested in politics .
29 In fact , I have always thought it would make a great spectacle for television if performed in surf with three contestants confined to a small area , all trying to knock each other of their boards .
30 I wrote to Ivy ( more or less ) : ‘ People say that work is a comfort at such times , and I have always thought it very sad that an author 's work is no good at all , and indeed can not be done . ’
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