Example sentences of "[verb] back towards the " in BNC.

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1 As they set off she realized they were n't driving back towards the restaurants of the town centre and Willi 's beloved Franz Joseph hotel , but up to the mountain road that led over the pass and into the next valley .
2 And , when we were driving back towards the tunnel , do you know Upper Parliament Street ?
3 Then we were walking back towards the carriage , and as we passed I heard Mr Jonesy say to the preacher , ‘ I 'll give 'im the devil when I get 'im 'ome . ’
4 With his much-abused parcel still under his arm , he started walking back towards the city .
5 It was obvious that she could n't go into the Rose Bowl until she had calmed down , so instead she started walking back towards the flat .
6 She stood for several moments in front of the altar before turning away and walking back towards the door .
7 Section 9(4) , which operates at the time of the application for an order under the Act , looks back towards the time in relation to which the witness would give evidence if an order was made and not forward to the time at which he would do so .
8 We noticed now a trail of well-trodden snow winding back towards the shore , obviously a route known to be safe by the experienced locals .
9 Kelly headed back towards the stand .
10 Captain Glen headed back towards the ship .
11 Finally satisfied that these tableaux held no secrets , they turned round and headed back towards the gallery marked THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD .
12 They headed back towards the club house .
13 At first Ronni did n't look as he headed back towards the villa .
14 She rolled over and headed back towards the shore .
15 Thus Eikmeyer 's network prompts the re-evaluation of the Co-operative Principle concept in terms of text variations from a prototypical case , matched by readers ' efforts to process back towards the centre by finding coherence .
16 He moved back towards the door .
17 He knelt there in the darkness , listening to the sounds of the subsiding passion in the room below , then swivelled silently and with even greater care than before , and feeling far more sober , moved back towards the thin , escaping light at the far end of the chill , cramped roof space .
18 When he saw Robert , he made what looked like a little , stunted bow and moved back towards the boys on the lawn .
19 Then he moved back towards the circle in the grass on the other side of the road .
20 Erm so we then moved back towards the doorway erm and then P C requested the persons in the bed to tell him where the light switch was , which a male voice told him the approximate area where the light switch was .
21 ‘ You come near me , Preacher , and I 'll kill you , ’ I said , shrinking back towards the protection of the crowd .
22 Finally , head back towards the Duomo , passing on the way two interesting palazzi .
23 He tried unsuccessfully to sniff back the tears as he watched Yanto race back towards the docks .
24 I tucked the binoculars into the holdall again and without any sensible plans wandered back towards the dining car .
25 An example of presentation infidelity , uncovered in our survey , was where companies showed a series of columns sloping back towards the right away from the common baseline of the X axis .
26 ‘ Night after night , I hear you complaining in your sleep , ’ Inanna continued , prowling back towards the bed .
27 The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house .
28 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
29 He crossed the road , pausing on the kerb and looking back towards the Lancia .
30 At the bottom of the slope , on the terrace above the ornamental lake , a woman was walking , looking back towards the house .
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