Example sentences of "[verb] me the truth " in BNC.

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1 And last night Doyle told me the truth behind the bizarre and evil campaign .
2 I was shocked when he told me the truth .
3 But it was n't Jozef who finally told me the truth — which of the three suspects had taken the pieces of silver .
4 You told me the truth . ’
5 You told me the truth .
6 If he did tell me anything it would be a pack of lies , because obviously the secret would n't be a secret any more if he told me the truth , and he can feel , as I do , that with my increasing maturity he needs all the holds over me he can get ; I 'm not a child any more .
7 but now they 're all set up and I 'm left alone and the children , three of them , have n't got time to look after me to give me what I , what I need and especially one in the truth , that one is less getting in touch with me than the ones that told me the truth , boys ring me , twice , three times a week , Julia rings every , every night , but Ted rings twice or three times a week , three times I could go , the one
8 He had said to Mr Kuntar : ‘ You could have told me the truth from the very beginning .
9 ‘ You have n't told me the truth . ’
10 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
11 Perhaps , they said , he was married or engaged and had not told me the truth about himself .
12 ‘ If you 'd told me the truth about that years ago , none of this wretched business would have happened . ’
13 But you should have told me the truth from the beginning .
14 Give me the truth or I will slit your throat , then go to him and slit his too .
15 Tell me the truth , ’ he said .
16 Tell me the truth ! ’
17 Tell me the truth , the why or what truth , tell
18 ‘ Tell me , ’ he said , ‘ tell me the truth .
19 ‘ Please tell me the truth .
20 ‘ Now tell me the truth , Jane , ’ she said .
21 Tell me the truth , ’ I insisted , putting myself between him and the door .
22 Tell me the truth , Sung .
23 Tell me the truth , Sung ! ’
24 Please tell me the truth .
25 ‘ Come on , tell me the truth , ’ Finn persisted .
26 Just tell me the truth .
27 Crawl out of that little shell of yours and tell me the truth .
28 Now tell me the truth . ’
29 Tell me the truth , mind .
30 ‘ Not until you tell me the truth . ’
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