Example sentences of "[verb] just short [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lydia was clad in an outfit which like many very beautiful things stopped just short of being ridiculous , hovering on the brink of parody .
2 They stopped just short of where the path ended in the yard .
3 Conversation between brother and sister was conducted at a level of mutual aggression which stopped just short of exploding into a row .
4 He stopped just short of the swell of her breast .
5 They decided to don boxing gloves and fight in a square ring , like professional boxers , so that they could employ full-power kicks and punches against one another , instead of having to let their attacks fall just short of a designated target area .
6 Our branch has just short of 100 members all of whom received 2 books of lottery tickets to sell by the end of July .
7 The American fighter crashed just short of the runway at Upper Heyford , killing both men on board .
8 It finishes just short of the summit with a superb rock pitch that looks hard from below but which turns out to be slabs at a comfortable angle , full of deep cracks .
9 Swansea , whose lead was cut by two penalties by outside-half Mark Thomas , strove to move the ball again in the last 10 minutes with lock Paul Arnold and replacement Ian Davies , at flanker , being checked just short of the line .
10 The previous ball had been stopped just short of the boundary by some members of the crowd who had engulfed the pitch .
11 If a woman feels inspired by us , she can become our friend , but this is a particular problem for fat lesbians who can have any number of intense , close relationships which inevitably stop just short of sex .
12 The bullet rolls momentarily and then comes to rest , but a slight lift of the rod-tip inches it round a little more , and then another lift until I am satisfied the crust is lying just short of the roots .
13 It pitched just short of the green and lazily rolled all the way into the cup .
14 Feel your desire for this Dream intensely , in every atom of your body — stopping just short of desperation .
15 Miss Polly took his words as a compliment and treated him to a coy smile of invitation , meant to suggest that he should sit beside her ; but Sean had already marked Herbert Fraser for that position of honour , stopping just short of pushing him to the ground .
16 As a rule I have generally found that ‘ hotel restaurant ’ food invariably falls just short of ‘ restaurant ’ food .
17 Such beings would be ‘ creatures ’ of evil in a special sense , made and animated by their master in a way which falls just short of the heresy that evil can itself create .
18 The grim face , the extravagant salute and the loud stamp of his boots on the floorboards only fell just short of the military crime most disliked by superiors , dumb insolence .
19 Having made his way into the main draw via six rounds in the preliminary and qualifying competitions , he fell just short of a major upset in the first round proper .
20 For that year the comparable figure fell just short of half a million at 498,576 .
21 With 49.45 per cent of the vote , Herenton fell just short of an actual plurality , but did not have to undergo a runoff election as required in the past .
22 The 25,572 crowd at Ayresome Park on Wednesday night fell just short of capacity when Manchester returned around 400 tickets .
23 Akram then edged just short of slip , and clearly a stiff examination was being set out there by Malcolm , to whom the first comeback wicket had been ‘ like a drink of water to a thirsty man ’ .
24 The car slid quietly between the cradled yachts to stop just short of Wavebreaker 's pier .
25 Watching herself very carefully as the shaping increased at the neck , she realised how easy it was to stop just short by an inch or so and not clear the selector .
26 Although the kicks and punches are released with great intent , the actual strikes fall just short of the target areas .
27 But even if his men fail to topple deadly rivals St Helens in the final at Old Trafford and fall just short of the Grand Slam , Monie 's achievements are still unlikely to ever be equalled .
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