Example sentences of "[verb] n't go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So do n't ex just do n't go straight into that list .
2 Later , comedians adapted the words to ‘ Do n't go down the mine , Daddy , there 's plenty coal in the cellar ’ .
3 I do n't drink and do n't go out much so I manage on the money .
4 You see , this really , this this parable i is the story of of , of something which is lost almost by default , it just wanders off , it just goes it 's own way it did n't set out to be lost , it did n't choose you know that i , it did n't go through earlier on in that day , in the little brain that the sheep has , there was n't the thought going , I am going to deliberately get lost today !
5 But it did n't go through .
6 Yeah a lot of people just did n't go probably on Friday .
7 The opening act was the back-up singers doing a kind of almost traditional Apollo show which did n't go over .
8 He did n't go over to the Republic or see friends .
9 Ah well you did n't go over , you did n't go over er where Franco 's troops were , but
10 Ah well you did n't go over , you did n't go over er where Franco 's troops were , but
11 But it just did n't go right .
12 Things did n't go right in the house so I left and ran away .
13 I did n't go right into the building .
14 He was n't , so he did n't go right down , but was carried along under water .
15 This win made up for last year 's defeat by Rob Orme when things just did n't go right for Dunlop .
16 ‘ I 'm being unfair , gabbling on about me and Maria Luisa when things did n't go right for you and Fernando .
17 She did n't open the door too widely and she did n't go outside , but she listened assiduously .
18 Dot did n't go near .
19 I did n't go straight ahead with it .
20 It was the sort you sit up in , and there were two other people being taken home at the same time , so we did n't go straight to Fulham but did a detour through Kensington .
21 She did n't go straight from the house to the Station Hotel .
22 But I did n't go straight there .
23 Oh that 's right , mm You did n't go straight from college overseas
24 And does n't this give us — faintly indeed , but unmistakably — just what we 've looked for in vain in all the other Sicilian allusions : that 's to say , evidence that when Pound was in Sicily he did n't go around with his eyes closed , his ears and nostrils stopped ?
25 In my concern as Chairman of the Board was that er if very few people turned up then perhaps people might say that we did n't go around go about advertising it in the correct way what I think we actually did I 'm not sure how many people are here this evening , but I should think it 's somewhere in the region of about hundred and , hundred and fifty , so I hope that the meeting this evening sort of cross representation people actually use facilities which the playhouse offers .
26 And on the whole they did n't go around poisoning roast geese .
27 But at least they did n't go around with beatific smiles mumbling about peace and goodwill . ’
28 Erm , er , the funding for that project which I understand has a total cost in excess of a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , has been met from a variety of sources , er , primarily local , but with a contribution from the County Council through the Leisure Services Committee , and also through the Resources Management sub-committee , and in a , indirect sense , in that the , the , the land transferred to the County Council from the District Council for a particular sum , when the project did n't go ahead , the land went back to the District , and had appreciated in value in the intervening time .
29 If she did n't go on — and quickly — the van carrying the Brownies to their Pack holiday might crash dangerously into the low bridge .
30 As a matter of fact , Stanford 's John Hennessey reportedly threatened to revoke the presenter 's PhD if he did n't go on .
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