Example sentences of "[verb] been thrown over " in BNC.

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1 Children are likely to play ball against your side wall and you may find yourself picking litter out of the garden which has been thrown over your wall or fence .
2 A veil of secrecy has been thrown over Derry 's final preparations for their All Ireland senior football championship decider against Cork .
3 A rope had been thrown over a low beam in the room and tied to the top of the Bookman 's cage .
4 Beer had been thrown over a local and Slatter was obviously to blame .
5 She felt as though a web had been thrown over her , the same web in which — ; however little he knew it — Edwin Frere was deeply entangled .
6 It was as though a white cloak had been thrown over the entire countryside , a cloak which gleamed beneath an enormous ghostly-white moon , robbing the night of its darkness .
7 A dark cloth had been thrown over it , covering it completely .
8 One long , heavily muscled leg had been thrown over hers , pinning her beneath him .
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