Example sentences of "[verb] from this analysis " in BNC.

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1 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
2 The major conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is that users are generally satisfied with the information they receive , but there is no doubt that confusion still exists as to the range of information providers available .
3 It is important not to conclude from this analysis that the statutory audit of a PLC is only concerned with financial statements .
4 Data which were derived from this analysis included : ( a ) the size and location of the proliferative zone ; ( b ) the cell position of the peak labelling index ( peak LI ) , and the upper and lower limits of proliferation , the 95%ile and 05%ile ; ( c ) the mean , median , and peak labelling indices ; ( d ) the crypt growth fraction ; ( e ) the cell cycle time ; ( f ) the crypt turnover time .
5 This is an issue to which we shall return at the end of the chapter ; first , however , we must explore the broad classification of degree courses which has emerged from this analysis of their relationship with employment .
6 What follows from this analysis , of course , is that concurrent interference as an explanation of latent inhibition is open to the same objections as were raised to Wagner 's theory .
7 It follows from this analysis that the focusing hypersurface is a curvature singularity except in the special case in which one of the Kasner exponents is zero .
8 It follows from this analysis that the provision of the report to the borrower is an action by the building society and that if it is prepared without appropriate skill and care the ground of the complaint , namely breach of the society 's contractual obligation , falls within paragraph 1 ( a ) of Part III to Schedule 12 .
9 It is unlikely , judging from this analysis , that very many viewers are loyal or watch particularly frequently , rather that a large number of people dip in on a relatively occasional basis .
10 In addition a single visit was made to five sites , but these counts have been excluded from this analysis .
11 These are excluded from this analysis .
12 All fetuses that are lost naturally are excluded from this analysis .
13 Although included in the fundholding scheme , referrals to radiology , pathology , physiotherapy , speech therapy , and occupational therapy were also excluded from this analysis , which focused on referrals to consultants ' outpatient clinics .
14 Follow up at seven and 10 years was excluded from this analysis because of the small amount of data for the models .
15 In addition three patients who already had a diagnosis of pernicious anaemia were excluded from this analysis because they were already receiving B 1 2 treatment .
16 This was still the case when subjects with atrophy were excluded from this analysis .
17 The competition policy issues follow from this analysis .
18 I would , respectfully , dissent from this analysis of Dixon J. 's judgment , nothing in which lends , in my opinion , any support to the notion that the principles which he formulated depend upon proof of agency .
19 The major recommendations following from this analysis may be summarised as follows ( Maud 1967 , Vol .
20 It would seem to follow from this analysis that the most appropriate content to ascribe to the duty to act in the interests of the shareholders is that the directors should attempt to maximise the present value of the company .
21 A further point of interest arises from this analysis in respect of the use of DCF .
22 A question which arises from this analysis is whether competition for labour or for markets was the more fundamental in pulling up wages .
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