Example sentences of "[verb] not mean [pron] " in BNC.

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1 God obviously did not mean her to be eaten by the wolves , for there were plenty about .
2 That does not prove he did not mean them .
3 And although my department and British Rail had produced a joint report , this did not mean we automatically accepted BR 's views .
4 And a few years later , when Edwin Hubble found that nearly all other galaxies are flying away from our own , he correctly reasoned that this did not mean we were at the centre of the Universe .
5 This ignored , or misunderstood , the regular complaint of employers about the lack of good workmen , which did not mean they required ‘ skilled ’ workers , who were always available ; what they required were efficient workers .
6 They would be in favour of it if it could be worked out in a practical form : but it did not mean they were going to give up the freedom of the seas .
7 He said asking workmen to undertake general maintenance work did not mean they were going back on their word .
8 However , the five who rejected the appeal over the beating of a seven-year-old boy in an English boarding school stressed that that did not mean they condoned corporal punishment in principle .
9 This did not mean their parents had happily shelled out the £2,000 for the trip — many had been sponsored by local firms and one girl had taken out a bank loan .
10 Then he did not mean what he said .
11 That you did not mean what you said to me that day . ’
12 Dalby was held to have been decided in the way that it was because a direction was needed whether or not there was an intervening act , i.e. the words in Dalby did not mean what they said .
13 But this did not mean I was happy with it , or knew , precisely , when and how I could carry it out .
14 Gust becos I cud not spel It did not mean I was daft When the boys in school red my riting Some of them laffed But now I am the dictater They have to rite like me Utherwise they can not pas Ther GCSE Some of the girls wer ok But those who laffed a lot Have al bean rownded up And have recintly bean shot The teecher who corrected my speling As not been shot at al But four the last fifteen howers As bean standing up against a wal He has to stand ther until he can spel Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way I think he will stand ther forever I just inventid it today
15 I did not mean you were in danger .
16 This remark had haunted Khrushchev , who had several times explained he did not mean it literally , and finally got that famous goat .
17 I did not mean it at all , I thought it was vaguely amusing .
18 In one dispute he is twice quoted as saying , on different occasions , ‘ we intend , nor will none otherwise do at any time , but according to the king 's laws ’ — and there is no reason to suppose that he did not mean it .
19 The fact that the share price had been 60p did not mean it would return to that level .
20 And then , leaning closer to him , ‘ I should know if you did not mean it , ’ she said .
21 His face was without the offensively avuncular smile that usually accompanies such trite statements ; and something intent about the look he gave me made it clear he did not mean it tritely .
22 She knew he did not mean it .
23 ‘ If you did not mean it so — ’
24 ‘ You should have known I did not mean it , ’ complained the old lady in a fretful tone .
25 ‘ I — I did not mean it so , ’ he faltered .
26 ‘ You did not mean it ?
27 In one dispute he is twice quoted as saying , on different occasions , ‘ we intend , nor will none otherwise do at any time , but according to the king 's laws ’ — and there is no reason to suppose that he did not mean it .
28 When he said to Cassin " Nous sommes la France " , he did not mean it in a rhetorical sense .
29 You did not mean it to happen this time .
30 No — ’ he quickly laid his hand on Owen 's arm in the Arab way — ‘ I did not mean it like that .
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