Example sentences of "[verb] with [noun] yesterday " in BNC.

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1 The brave tot , who has been battling leukaemia since he was six weeks old , was bouncing with life yesterday as mum Michelle took him out for a treat .
2 Er but , you know , I , I 'd , as I say , I think er and then if we just , if we can just pick up like the odd I mean , I 've , I 've had a long chat with Anne , we 've had a long , erm meeting with Anne yesterday about it , and she 's gon na start pushing cos you know , she 's really done the Royal upstairs , it 's
3 Mr Koenig , 44 , celebrated with champagne yesterday — and rehired five workers he had been forced to sack from his tool business .
4 The incident in which boxes of fish were smashed and contaminated with diesel yesterday was the second in which fish being exported to Europe by the Ayr-based Scotprime , has been damaged by angry French workers .
5 The Common Cold research unit , in Salisbury , was hard pressed to deal with inquiries yesterday .
6 HEAVYWEIGHT comic Roseanne Barr was seething with rage yesterday after being snubbed by judges at a top TV ceremony .
7 Four-year-old Laura bubbled with health yesterday as she arrived at the family home in Eccles , Greater Manchester to cheers from neighbours .
8 A 21-MONTH jail sentence for a drunken driver who killed a father of four just before Christmas was greeted with outrage yesterday .
9 But Coopers ' employees said that they were informed of the decision to merge with Deloitte yesterday morning .
10 TWO soldiers appeared in court charged with murder yesterday after father-of-two Peter McBride , 18 , was shot dead in north Belfast .
11 THE Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party reacted with outrage yesterday to suggestions by Mr Baker , Home Secretary , that the combination of proportional representation and looser immigration controls could open up Britain to a flood of immigrants and permit the rise of fascism .
12 Andrew Culf Three ambulance crews from Fulham dealt with emergencies yesterday after the 999 calls were put through to them .
13 Ferranti continued with presentations yesterday to the group of more than 10 companies believed to have expressed an interest in bidding for the company or providing it with equity capital .
14 I , I want to talk to you about er the conversation I had with Alec yesterday , he seems to be inundated with having to get details about on his er , all his paperwork and so on , and he seems to be inundated and he sounded a bit low , quite frankly , to me yesterday on the phone that he was getting inundated with all this
15 Mr Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , was faced with demands yesterday to release from prison a campaigner for Sikh independence who has been under threat of deportation to India .
16 A radio phone-in was swamped with complaints yesterday about Sure Style Windows salesmen working in Cleveland .
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