Example sentences of "[verb] at least [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ in a case where one or more of the conditions of section 82(1) are fulfilled , the court always has at least theoretical discretion to rectify any part of the register , even as against innocent third parties …
2 The problems of the British social formation were sufficiently pressing to demand at least rhetorical radical solutions from the parties ( Wilson 's ‘ planning ’ , Heath 's ‘ free market ’ ) , and governments ' failures to match their promises were of sufficient concern to the people to breed a serious disillusionment with party politics , yet I submit that for most people of all classes the problems were not considered so urgent as to demand a really radical questioning of existing social relations , with all the risks that would entail .
3 It may be too that in the lower regions of society women were freer to find at least part-time employment : the distaff provided occupation for almost all , and even if the invention of the spinning wheel may have reduced the opportunities for some , it enormously increased those of others .
4 Some two thirds of women for whom incontinence occurs at least weekly regularly wear some sort of protection ( such as a pad ) before leaving home .
5 They would be coming back to education , however , to build upon the qualifications they had already begun to acquire , and would feel at least equal , if not superior in some respects , to their peers who had remained in full-time education .
6 Support to schools in terms of materials and equipment , extra tuition and advice and assessment , all seemed at least adequate whereas in-service opportunities were limited .
7 Will he give at least gentle guidance to LEAs suggesting that it is not reasonable for students to be excluded from discretionary grants merely because their parents have moved home ?
8 This compared with 26 per cent of the women without an intimate tie with husband or boyfriend , but who reported a confiding relationship with another person ( seen at least weekly ) , and with 41 per cent of those who had a confidante seen less than weekly or who had no such relationship at all .
9 However , with the exception of very elderly males ( i.e. those aged 85 + ) , the percentage of those aged 65 + being visited at least weekly by their family or friends remains high , at about 70 per cent ( Figure 2.7 ) .
10 The judge , Mr Justice Waterhouse , said the death wound had needed at least moderate force .
11 The association between the daughter 's rejection and the mother 's disability appears to afford at least circumstantial evidence that relationships deteriorate as a consequence of the burdens of tending .
12 Plastic containers , cans and trays line our shop shelves and we have come to expect at least two-fold wrapping and a carrier bag to boot .
13 These days pay negotiators in the West have one eye always on the retail price index — they broadly aim to secure wage increases at least equal to the rate of inflation .
14 In Britain these surfaces are inspected at least quarterly for projections , cracks and rocking slabs , and the highway authority has a clear duty to maintain these facilities to provide unobstructed and free passage .
15 LTP has since been found in all excitatory pathways in the hippocampus , as well as in several other regions in the brain , and there is growing evidence that it underlies at least certain forms of memory .
16 The achievement of reading skills requires at least minimal vision , and the accomplishment of writing skills is further dependent on an adequately functioning preferred hand .
17 We hope that the responses will be found at least suggestive for future policy-making .
18 But despite the doubts , it seems at least probable that substantial research spending increases have occurred , at least in the seven areas singled out for special treatment .
19 If Mr Kinnock can lead his party this far , it seems at least possible that he can now turn himself outward , away from the party , and begin to project himself as a potential national leader .
20 To complicate matters still further , however , it seems at least possible that the components of the earth system may best be predicted deterministically at some spatial and temporal scales but stochastically at others and that the basis of prediction will differ for different components .
21 It seems at least possible that such a network of ‘ guardians ’ was still in place in Watkins ' time .
22 I can honestly say that I feel at least equal to them , often above them ; and I do n't enter any relations with them that are n't on my terms .
23 Use at least single letters or groups of letters to represent whole words or parts of words .
24 The back lawn is so parched it barely needs cutting , but the Percy Thrower book does say that lawns must be cut at least weekly in summer , so that 's what we do .
25 One of his assistants had worked slowly and laboriously through the records and come up with half-a-dozen prints which looked at least similar to the ones taken from Paula Wilson .
26 Eventually , though , she found a number that looked at least hopeful and began dialling .
27 Certainly it will be disappointing if the number of deaths due to paracetamol overdosage continues at the current level , but it would be wise to recognise that in 1990 in England and Wales there were a further 1593 deaths due to overdosage of medicines other than paracetamol and that the prevention of such deaths should receive at least equal attention .
28 By early November the rebel movement was reported to be in control of one-third of the country , and by the end of the month UNITA was thought to have at least nominal control of two-thirds of the country and thus to be in a stronger position than before the May 1991 Bicesse Peace Accord between the government and UNITA [ see p. 38180 ] .
29 The Crown Prosecution Service will ‘ continue the fight ’ to get at least limited rights of audience in the Crown Court for its lawyers once the new advisory committee for legal education and conduct is set up under the Government 's White Paper plans for the legal profession , Fiona King , a recruitment specialist at the service said yesterday .
30 They had to be twenty-five years old , to have received at least secondary education , and to be substantial property-owners .
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