Example sentences of "[verb] that [art] third " in BNC.

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1 It was stressed that a third vaccine — MMR2 — was perfectly safe and there were sufficient stocks for doctors to meet demand .
2 It has been claimed that a third brother settled in America and that one of his descendants founded the internationally known Piper Aircraft Corporation but research has shown this to be false .
3 The US State Department also claimed that a third of the 36,000 Cubans admitted as tourists since Oct. 1 had overstayed their visas and might not be planning to return .
4 When Bath members mentioned that a third of their stand was kept for non-club members , the stewards disappeared , returning several minutes later with tickets which were then issued .
5 The Civil Justice Review found that a third of banks and building societies , and a fifth of local authorities , did not enquire about the debtor 's circumstances before the hearing .
6 A survey in 1982 found that a third of the left-wing Labour councillors either worked for another local authority ( including teachers ) or were full-time councillors living off their allowances .
7 The Government 's investigation found that a third of the timber harvested nearby had been wasted , burnt on site or left to rot .
8 But we disagree that a third party with power of attorney can see the patient 's records ’ , said Per Hors , the DMA 's chairman .
9 They were half-way to the door before Jinny realized that the third person was missing .
10 The two leaders , attending the fifth summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ( SAARC ) [ see pp. 37856-57 ] , agreed that a third round of talks at thelevel of foreign secretaries would be held in Islamabad on Dec. 18 .
11 Reagan also ruled that a third film , on nuclear war , should bear the same ‘ propaganda ’ label and that anyone who hires the films should be reported to the government .
12 where the underlease provides such an option not to agree that the third party determining the rent in default of agreement shall act as an arbitrator or as an expert without the approval of the Landlord
13 Ivan Foster announced that the Third Force would take part in the march .
14 Many Nigerians already fear that a third republic could be short-lived .
15 Surveys revealed that a third of the population lived below the poverty line .
16 Yes , if by this we mean that a third party could urge this on the dog 's behalf and that sanctions of the law might well ensue .
17 If an author says that a third of the present holders of dukedoms in Britain have been divorced we want to know how he found this out .
18 Peter Snyman at Random Century says that a third South African lawyer telephoned him offering the autobiography ( he also says that his company never signed a contract with Ayob , though they did try to work out a deal ) .
19 In his famous pamphlet of 1789 , What is the Third Estate ? , the Abbe Sieyes proclaimed that the third estate , the commons , was not one order alongside the two others , the nobility and clergy , but was the nation itself .
20 John Mather , chief geochemist at the British Geological Survey , warns that a third of our tapwater could exceed nitrate levels within a few decades .
21 In considering whether at this stage it is possible to say that the answer to this question must be ‘ nothing ’ I must assume that the third defendant will be found guilty of conspiracy or fraud as alleged by the plaintiffs and also that the third party will be found to be negligent as regards the plaintiffs in the respects mentioned in the third party notice .
22 When Air ( meaning river ) Sugihan was chosen as a transmigration site no one noticed that a third of elephants lived there .
23 Furthermore , following his own careful experiments and measurements ( the results agreeing closely with modern figures ) , he noticed that a third more gas was produced from a given amount of iron using decomposition .
24 Mrs Gibson estimated that a third of the site had been lost .
25 It would not , however , be possible for the third defendant to suggest that the third party was in any way guilty of any illegal conduct .
26 Jiminez de Arechaga concludes that recognising a third party 's assent through its actions shows that the third party is taking advantage of a pre-existing right , and is not concluding a collateral agreement .
27 In so far as the plaintiffs are seeking to recover from the third defendant money which he has obtained for his own benefit or for the benefit of companies which are , in effect , his alter ego , I can see that the third party would have an overwhelming argument that it can not be just and equitable to require him to contribute to whatever the third defendant is ordered to pay to the plaintiffs .
28 I can see that the third party would have a cogent argument that even if he were liable to compensate the plaintiffs in respect of these matters it would not be just and equitable to require him to make a contribution to the third defendant 's liability .
29 This led some writers to suspect that the Third World , like the First World , was not of a piece , but that there might be substantial differences of kind as well as the obvious differences of degree between countries .
30 A recent survey by the Consumers Association ( CA ) showed that a third of the tools hired from 32 randomly selected shops were found to be faulty when examined by experts .
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