Example sentences of "[verb] and i looked " in BNC.

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1 " I was passing and I looked in .
2 The Feldwebel had not moved and I looked all the way up his black leather jack-boots and the thin grey greatcoat with its cheap tin buttons looking as if they had come out of a Christmas pudding before I noticed that his eyes were slightly open and that he was watching me with an uncle 's amusement .
3 I heard the chain break and I looked up , but I missed the accident .
4 Anyway I were looking and I looked and I looked and I looked and I says well what cigarettes do you use for it ?
5 Werewolf and I looked suitably impressed .
6 That bastard on that bus , when I got off I heard this voice saying and I looked round and there 's this ragger sitting there
7 The girls started to arrive and I looked busy with a pile of papers so that I would n't have to talk to them .
8 I looked and I looked as the candle fought with the wax and cast a flickering light on her face , and I just could n't get over her .
9 I looked and I looked ; but while I saw similarities ( the forehead , the set of the eyes ) , while I could understand that other people might take them for mother and daughter , it did n't work for me .
10 Anyway I were looking and I looked and I looked and I looked and I says well what cigarettes do you use for it ?
11 Anyway I were looking and I looked and I looked and I looked and I says well what cigarettes do you use for it ?
12 High on a mountain we paused and I looked down on Lough Nafooey , a lake lying far below us .
13 Carradine and I looked at each other .
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