Example sentences of "[verb] to be lower " in BNC.

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1 The induction rates for lung cancer and for leukaemia are somewhat lower , and those for other organs for which estimates are obtainable appear to be lower still ( UNSCEAR , 1977 ) .
2 Downstream , in light of high product stocks , industry refining margins in the USA and Europe are expected to be lower in the first quarter of 1993 than in the fourth quarter of 1992 .
3 In addition , coelocentesis does not involve puncture of the amniotic membrane and therefore the risk of direct trauma to the embryo or chronic amniotic fluid leakage would be expected to be lower than with amniocentesis .
4 MBO and venture capital fund investors are only slowly appreciating that the trade-off for the lower risk inherent in transactions that are more carefully selected and more conservatively structured than those typical in the mid-eighties has to be lower anticipated rates of return , whether the exit is via a trade sale or a flotation on to a less than receptive equity market .
5 Furthermore , it gave valuable information about the Permian sequence ; in particular it penetrated 370 ft of Upper Permian salt , and the 1800 ft of lavas and tuffs believed to be Lower Permian .
6 Below the sandstones there is a thick sequence of tuffs and lavas , already referred to and believed to be Lower Permian .
7 Base-exchange treatment is in the neighbourhood of 1.5–4p per 1000 gal ( 4546 litres ) , automatic systems tending to be lower than manually operated plants .
8 The typical denigration of ‘ practice ’ arises largely from the social status of practitioners , which tends to be lower than that of theoreticians .
9 The third and perhaps chief problem related to general degrees is their status , which tends to be lower in the eyes of academics , and perhaps employers , than their academic or professional counterparts .
10 Pregnancy order tended to mediate the effect of maternal age , so that weight and height of infants tends to be lower where pregnancy order is high in relation to age ( see e.g. Omran , 1976 , p. 524 ) .
11 A primary reason for this may be the differences in average educational status , which tends to be lower among rural people , though it has been shown that rural residence ( from birth ) can influence child mortality levels over and beyond the effect caused by differences between the two areas in educational standards .
12 The High Court in Edinburgh heard that an investment analyst with the stockbrokers Bell Lawrie White had received information from the chairman of the waste management and construction group , Shanks&McEwan , that profits were going to be lower than City expectations .
13 A downturn is expected in 1993 since activity is anticipated to be lower as the company does not expect these contracts to be repeated .
14 In plots in the Queensland rain forest , seedling recruitment of subcanopy trees and understorey species was found to be lower for common than for rare species : for canopy species there was no such correlation .
15 The predictive value of laboratory tests , such as the antigliadin antibody test and the intestinal permeability test seems to be lower in treated patients than in those with active coeliac disease .
16 Their rates tend to be lower because they do n't have to pay commission to middlemen .
17 There is moderate reduction in lung cancer risk associated with lower tar cigarettes but research in the UK suggests that the assumed health advantages of switching to lower tar may be largely offset by the tendency of smokers to compensate for the reduction in nicotine ( cigarettes lower in tar also tend to be lower in nicotine ) by smoking more or inhaling more deeply [ 4 ] .
18 In Scotland , while the stamp duty change will benefit more homeowners than elsewhere because of the lower property prices , the change in tax relief will be a hindrance because mortgages tend to be lower .
19 The days with one casualty were Sunday 6 January and Sunday 10 February ; on both these days there was snow and traffic volumes were observed to be lower than would have been expected had the weather been fine .
20 The general effect of these four differences between health and education in relation to economic growth is that it has proved far more difficult and controversial to measure the impact of health on economic growth and where it has been attempted the effects have been estimated to be lower than those resulting from education .
21 While the seven sectors examined were expected to continue to create jobs until the end of the decade , that rate of increase is predicted to be lower than in the recent past , as new technology and industrial concentration increase productivity .
22 There were some indications that users of freelancers might make slightly greater use of agency workers , but equally that high users of part-timers tended to be lower users of agency workers .
23 In our present study , differences in relapse during follow up between both groups were not found , but relapse rate tended to be lower in the PEN group .
24 Similarly , age was associated with an increase in H pylori prevalence , but the peak of H pylori positive subjects was found in the group aged between 50 and 60 years , whereas the rate tended to be lower in older subjects .
25 Stool form score tended to be lower — that is , more constipated ( Table I ) .
26 The prevalence of such findings tended to be lower in patients treated with gold injections than in those receiving sulphasalazine and NSAIDs .
27 GMTs 4–6 weeks after vaccination tended to be lower among IPV recipients for types 1 and 2 , but were significantly higher for type 3 , particularly among 6-month-olds ( table II ) .
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