Example sentences of "[verb] to exactly the " in BNC.

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1 Its officials may not have come to exactly the same conclusions as I did , but they should have tried to find out .
2 The hope cherished by the NIH team is that recombinant vaccinia viruses may be used to combat hepatitis B virus in Africa and Asia according to exactly the same strategy that succeeded so brilliantly with smallpox .
3 The same effect can be achieved with a small pair of school compasses ( which have the advantage that they can be adjusted to exactly the right size ) , but these are more difficult to use to get an exact line .
4 Lyotard points to exactly the same structure in Marx , who could likewise never complete Capital .
5 The Bill could lead to exactly the same kind of problem .
6 So I remind myself that it does n't really matter about things being put back in exactly the same place in the cupboard , or precisely the same brand of tea being bought , or the carrots being cut to exactly the right dimensions .
7 Whatever their ultimate truth or falsity , beliefs and ideologies could thus be subjected to exactly the same kind of functional analysis as other social phenomena .
8 The County have done initial work on this and come to exactly the same conclusions which we have .
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