Example sentences of "[noun] try to keep them " in BNC.

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1 While the other patients crowded outside and Miss Sowerby tried to keep them in order , Alec motioned to the father to carry the boy into the ‘ ops ’ theatre and lay him down on his back on the operating table so that we could make a more detailed examination .
2 Staff members tried to keep them away from the soft-hearted President , consigning them to the Vice-president not because Bush was more callous , North explained , but because it was Reagan who had to make the policy decisions .
3 A Yellow Tangs are very popular aquarium fish and many hobbyists try to keep them in shoals .
4 The eggs would get broken if the mother animal tried to keep them warm , as the mother bird does , because she is so heavy .
5 that helps them , but if you put them on radiators and God knows what round the house trying to keep them , get them dry
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