Example sentences of "[noun] might [be] said " in BNC.

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1 As for the possible-worlds view , of which a great deal might be said , it too seems to involve an unanalysed notion of law , although the matter is more obscure here .
2 Now the fantasy involved in inhabiting the bodies of animals , previously alluded to , and skilfully exploited by writers like Kafka , certainly extends to a curiosity over what animals might be said to see , hear , smell , or otherwise sense .
3 ANYBODY who pursues competitive sport to Olympic level before building up their business to £90 million turnover might be said to have earned success through hard graft .
4 Yet in one sense even the United States might be said to have been part of an economic system controlled by Europe down to 1914 in that she remained a capital-importing nation , and that capital came from Europe .
5 Nowadays , with the boundary between mass and energy abolished , the advantage might be said to have passed to ch'i ; yet it would be absurd to suggest that the Chinese have been proved right , since the advantages and disadvantages depend on which problems happen to be current .
6 Bargaining might be said to help fill the vacuum that in other systems is occupied by disciplined political parties .
7 Thus each group of accounts might be said to be objective but they are not comparable .
8 As the Group 's terms of reference , scope , functions and core membership were closely based on the CGLI 's proposals , then clearly the Institute might be said to have won the day .
9 So is the cold war giant , at least in the sense that a mighty military machine with no visible threat to its well-being might be said to be dead .
10 English law might be said to recognize a right to self-determination , inasmuch as suicide is no longer a crime , but that right does not yield a clear answer to the present difficulty .
11 In a sense , meanings qua species of thought or thought-modalities might be said to represent the principles of " unity " of certain historical mental acts .
12 And so he sat there , a tame lion , drumming his fingers , while Esther and Alix and Liz his wife chattered on , about scandals and liaisons , about breaking marriages and delinquent children , about Ivan the Terrible , about the Post-Impressionist exhibition at the Royal Academy , about the Arts Council , about the Beaubourg , about modernism in architecture , about Brian Bowen 's views on his reactionary boss at the Adult Education Institute , about what the word quango might be said to mean , about Kate Armstrong 's latest article on the single-parent family and child benefits : chatter , chatter , female chatter , unstructured , shimmering , malicious , appreciative , acute , indulgent , shifting , rapid , unpunctuated , glancing , a light bright surface ripple on a deeper current , and Charles sat on , biting his inner lip .
13 Another time , with Oliver gone , the appropriate things might be said .
14 The general rule with regard to these provisions might be said to be that the settlor will not avoid tax on the income which arises from the capital which he has settled unless he and his wife are excluded from all possible benefit .
15 On the grounds of its ancient lineage and apparently perennial vigour , the ‘ grand survivor ’ of all general theories might be said to be elite theory .
16 But the term could be extended , so that kangaroos might be said to represent deer in Australia because they live in something like the same way .
17 That movement might be said to have become irreversible with the advent after 1850 of the ‘ new model ’ unions .
18 In fact er Professor Lock in his hin in his own evidence er page five para four three refers to a rash of speculation alo along the A one M in the county , as to which locations the policy might be said to apply .
19 Spiegelman might be said to bring out this infantile helplessness ( ’ Mostly I felt like crying ’ ) in all his readers alongside their most sophisticated imaginative and emotional responses .
20 Structuralist theory builds on connotation instead of trying to sweep the question under the carpet ( as the New Critics might be said to have done ) .
21 I shall discuss some theoretical issues , such as the relation of deixis to semantics and pragmatics ; the relationship between deixis which occurs in literary and non-literary texts ; and the link deixis might be said to make between context-dependency and truth-conditional semantics .
22 In the process Fanon might be said to have overestimated the extent to which , from subordination , it is possible to construct ‘ a politically conscious , unified , revolutionary Self , standing in unmitigated opposition to the oppressor ’ ( Problems , 30 ) .
23 The significance of the concept of the linguistic variable is that it allows quantitative statements to be made about language use , so that Speaker A might be said to use more or less of a particular variant than speaker B , rather than categorically to use it or not to use it .
24 If Laurel Katz at twenty-three represents youth among the installationists then Vito Acconci might be said to represent if not old age then at least significant maturity .
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