Example sentences of "[noun] must be kept " in BNC.

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1 All four fingers must be kept on the fretboard as Fig 1a , gradually moving up the strings as Fig 1b .
2 All four fingers must be kept on fretboard as Fig 2a , gradually moving up as Fig 2b .
3 All four fingers must be kept on the fretboard as Fig 3a , gradually moving up the strings as Fig 3b .
4 Protected : Most cleaning products must be kept dry or their contents , packaging or labelling will suffer .
5 All chemicals and cleansing products must be kept in locked cupboards , and access to these carefully controlled .
6 Lastly , under the Value Added Tax Act 1983 , Sched 7 , para 7(2) , as amended , records and papers relevant to VAT liability must be kept for six years .
7 Copies of the book will be required by all those connected with the survey and all copies must be kept up to date by the incorporation of any coding additions , new conventions and unresolved problems .
8 This was the European Court 's view of the requirement of the West German Insurance Supervision Law to the effect that foreign insurance undertakings must set up an establishment in West Germany and ‘ keep available there all the commercial documents relating to that establishment ’ , for which separate accounts must be kept .
9 The two species sometimes associate in the fields , and their behaviour is similar , so a special watch must be kept for the stock dove .
10 A close watch must be kept by the teacher to note any changes in the vision .
11 Population regulation , however , if it has any advantage at all , can only be a long-term one ; it must therefore be a consequence of individual decisions to emigrate , taken on the grounds that conditions will be better elsewhere , not on the grounds that the population level must be kept down in order for the local resources to be conserved .
12 4.7 The security arrangements for each building must be kept under regular review by the workplace manager in order to highlight any alteration or change in working practice which may be needed to provide a more secure working environment .
13 Minutes of board meetings must be kept and an annual general meeting must be held .
14 Dykes and channels must be kept clear to ensure a constant flow of water .
15 The leader announced at the beginning that complete freedom of speech was allowed but speeches must be kept short .
16 The content of individual sessions must be kept confidential .
17 and during construction disruption must be kept to a minimum . ’
18 The accounts , records , etc. of the partnership must be kept at the principal place of business , and be held available for inspection by any of the partners .
19 When using French technique the axe is held normally in the uphill hand for support and extra security , but it is important not to lean on it and into the hill ; your weight must be kept over the crampons .
20 In World of 1001 Mysteries ( Faber , £9.99 ) , Phusis , rather like Scheherazade , tells six stories to the Appeal Judge in a desperate attempt to save the Universe from destruction because it contravenes the Federations Rule that ‘ Universes must be kept up to date ’ .
21 Electrical equipment must be kept dry .
22 However , current consumption must be kept sufficiently low to provide an acceptably long battery life .
23 The sides of the liner must be kept above the anticipated maximum water level .
24 Fosters must be kept simple , have a message , use colour subtly and be eyecatching .
25 At that point there will be a different air war to fight , for which crews must be kept fresh .
26 The intruder alarm installed at your Home must be kept in proper working order under a continuing maintenance contract with the installing Company or such other Company as is agreed in writing by us .
27 All tools and buckets must be kept clean and free from set material .
28 As one might expect , there are some interesting refinements of these categories , which can be ignored for present purposes ( though we might note , in passing , that a vehicle must be kept moving , or to use the more exact legal language , must normally be employed as a moving vehicle on any highway or railway — and the same applies to vessels ) .
29 ‘ was not clean and in good working order ’ This point means among other things that the lamps in question must be kept clean as mud or snow could hide the light .
30 The odd bit of woodland , neatly railed and labelled and no wolves allowed , and Dogs Must Be Kept on a Lead and Not Be Permitted to Foul the Footpath Penalty £50 and Quite Right Too .
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