Example sentences of "[noun] should [prep] future " in BNC.

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1 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
2 1838 " A Motion was made , seconded , and carried , that the Receiving houses and Post Runners hitherto paid out of the General Meeting Assessment should in future be discontinued . "
3 The Nov. 4 referendum proposed that a simple majority should in future be sufficient to pass constitutional amendments .
4 He feels very strongly that such a case should in future be dealt with by assessors in an open court .
5 However , at a board meeting the Chairman has supported JR 's suggestion that , as a preliminary measure , the accounts department should in future have some control over the acceptance of sales orders .
6 Collusion , which used to be a bar to divorce , is no longer prohibited , and indeed a Committee chaired by Mrs Justice Booth recommended in 1985 that the parties should in future be entitled to file joint petitions for divorce .
7 This included part of the general section work , so correspondence relating to occupational pension schemes where the initial letter of the principal employer 's name is in the following alphabetic ranges should in future be sent there : SF prefix 1 , 7 , 12 , 15 , 16 , 18 , 21 , 23 , 25 , A , G , L , O , P , R , U , W and Y.
8 The Act stipulated that ‘ unclaimed ’ corpses should in future be used .
9 The report also calls for increased funding and a higher profile for the Energy Efficiency Office at the Department of Energy and suggests that energy policy should in future be formulated more at the European Community level rather than the national level .
10 The debate which the Green Papers generated has been fully chronicled elsewhere ( Cownie , 1990 ; Donaldson , 1990b ) , but the response to the proposal that rights of audience should in future depend on certificates of competence in advocacy rather than membership of a particular branch of the profession met a predictably hostile response from the Bar and a response verging on the intemperate from the judges .
11 It recommends that workers in the nuclear and radiological industries should in future be limited to exposure of 20 millisieverts a year , as opposed to 50 at present .
12 ( c ) the Public Assistance Officer should in future be known as ‘ the County Council Director of Social Welfare ’ .
13 He went on to propose that sources of party financing should in future be made public , that limits should be placed on electoral expenses and that procedures should be agreed to guarantee the impartiality of the media .
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